
Traveling through photographs

Monday 25 June 2012

It is a piece of work that I wanted to show here, for I have been working on it for the last two months and the result is worthwhile. It was aimed at a museum in Porto ( Portugal ), for a historical movie called "The Douro region: 2000 years of history".
I proposed the idea of using old images ( paintings, ancient photographs) and allow the spectator to enter them in 3D.
For this purpose I have put on my programmer's costume and coded franticly, to create an application that would allow me to reach my goal.
It also involved a heavy Photoshop work, in order to decompose each picture into various dimensional plans, which required to invent what was behind the foreground objects. ( I must thank my employee Julia for her help on that huge task).
The movie below show the process on one out of 18 images that have been animated this way. You will see the initial picture, a glimpse of the homemade software, and the end result.
When watching the Douro movie in HD on a large screen, you get swallowed. It is both disturbing and amazing. I'm rather proud of that project. It also gave me some ideas for my paintings !


Oct. 19, 2012 10:57
Hallucinant !!
T'es complètement fou mon frère !

Bravo !

Et oui oui oui, des idées pour tes tableaux !!!
Dali a fait de la stéréoscopie. La suite .... ? ... ;)
Oct. 19, 2012 17:35
Merci! C'était un chouette projet oui! Nous avons en préparation une version interactive, sur de grands écrans avec une detection de visage. Le visiteur en bougeant la tête se déplace dans une photographie. Ce sera en installation permanente au nouvel office de tourisme de Villeneuve s/ lot ( 47 powaaa )
Oct. 19, 2012 17:04
alors là !!
Bravo !
Oct. 19, 2012 17:35
Oh ben merci JP !
Oct. 19, 2012 18:22
Avec ce genre de principe ?
(enfin sans le casque sur la tête du coup, mais ce serait top ! )

Installation permanente, ça fait de la bonne pub ça ! Cool !
Jun. 12
25/6/2012 Traveling through photographs
26/6/2012 Sur les genoux