
Spectrum Book

Vendredi 10 Novembre 2006
061110 Queen Of Technical Nonsense in Spectrum
I've received today in the mail the 13th release of Spectrum art book. The number and diversity of works displayed is amazing. It's really an great honor to have a painting appearing here, next to such an impressive gathering of big names in the fantasy and surreal art field.
Queen of Technical Nonsense appears at the very end, surrounded by beautiful works from the so famous and stunning artists Jason Chan, David Bowers and Richard Hescox.
It's the first time I get a painting published in an art book.


7 déc. 2006 à 10:14
Sweetie... it's a great honor for the other to appear in the same book as where your painting appears!
You should give yourself so much more credit.

Love your work and your website doesn't look bad eighter;)
Keep up the amazing work and make sure I won't have to come hunt you down and kill you!
7 déc. 2006 à 23:58
Oh.. thank you Angelique... but you're obviously not objective: those artists are truly really, really good.
I figured out who you were, not so many people promise to kill me actually :) I read what you've been through. I'm really glad to see you here, up and moving on.
nov. 06
3/11/2006 Derrière mon loup j'embrasse qui je veux!
10/11/2006 Spectrum Book