Fantasy Art Now

I had the chance to have 3 of my paintings featured in the book Fantasy Art Now by Martin McKenna, published by Ilex Press. Martin has selected artworks from the "leading fantasy artists and rising stars", and has contacted and invited the artists personally.
Backdoor Into Luxuriance, Tears of Joy in the Garden of Giants and Purple Spattered Memories appear in the book at generous size. Some are slightly cropped but it's barely noticeable.
I am very satisfied with the quality of the book, the fidelity of the colors, or the way the images are emphasized and valued. Moreover, each painting as some of the artist's thoughts as side notes, which give the images another dimension.
Although the themes are mainly among the most common fantasy standards ( warriors, dragons and destructions scenes for instance), which is generally not my cup of tea, the quality of the art is not discussable. I enjoyed mostly more sensitive, dreamy artworks, such as Melanie Delon's or Rebecca Guay's to name the ladies first. To top it all, the foreword was written by Mr Boris Vallejo himself, which means the Master whose art I was worshiping in my youth might have seen one of my paintings... It makes me feel rather weird and somehow proudly smiling :)
Je te souhaite une Joyeux noel et une tres bonne année 2008, en esperant voir prochainement une nouvelle toile :)
Je te souhaite un très joyeux Noël à toi aussi; et pour la nouvelle toile, je dirais... bientôt ? (mais le terme est tout relatif pour un peintre qui se distingue par son improductivité)
The author focused on unpublished and recent artworks ( one year and a half back in time was the limit ). Home & fairies is older than that.
you deserve it for you're amazing paintings