
Pas d'Ange

Thursday 6 November 2008
081106 No Angel cropped painting view

Today I've drawn the signature at the bottom of this painting, that I've been working on since january. I surely could have painted it much faster, but company's work got be too busy during the summer, and also, painting "No angel" was difficult because of the mood it conveyed.

Grey, humid, frontal and crude nakedness that was to be faced, plus the obvious religious reference _whereas I'm not a pious person_ made it hard to dive in on and on.

While getting to know myself better, I've grown confident with following my instincts, which is what help to keep it up with this piece. The initial flash that appeared to me in mind was so precise and strong this time, that I had no choice but release it onto a blank canvas immediately, even though I couldn't understand the meaning well at this point. Later on I realized how much the symbolism in it matched the life path I was about to walk.

That work was nothing but vain. An answer was thrown: there are no angels _ or divinities, or higher level of conscience_. The painting was supposed to depict this pessimistic, fatalistic viewpoint, while leaving a little space for the question to remain.
The life turns, that we sometimes call coincidences, have been mischievous with my disbelief !

Now I wonder. Maybe there are. Maybe it is this higher level of conscience, that we are all capable of because it lies within, and that we have no ways to master. Truth is we need them, for they lift us up.


Dec. 13, 2008 19:52
the mood here seems to be slightly darker than your usual style
and still the previews are really impressive. hope that you can put the whole painting online soon :)

I truly admire your style and there is a silence in all of your painting - like the silence between inhalation and exhalation. beautiful! :)
Dec. 14, 2008 0:40
I like this idea of a silence, a breath suspended between a moment that was an a moment to come. Thank you for this kind work.
Maybe it's because there is a lot of space. Maybe because of a lot of time that was spent, and is suddenly condensed to the instant you, viewer, face it all.
Dec. 21, 2008 11:01
Your works have always seemed to be touched by melancholia, or emotions similar. This new painting intrigues me by the different tones it spills. I'm itching to see it in full-view!

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Nov. 08
6/11/2008 Pas d'Ange