Mémoires mauves
Juin 2006
Huile sur toile - 80x100 cm

Just like time eroding the tenderest stone
Memories have carved their way
Throughout my headbone,
I remember the wind blowing so cold
Biting your skin just like a blade
and I'm alright, you said
You said: for once I feel
I recall everything
The freeze tinting your cheeks with purple
Every mistake, every stumble
And each footstep you made
into the sand
I look at you
How long am I bound to stand?
Here, you seem so untrue
Desperately peaceful and quiet

Oui je me rappelle du vent, mordant et froid
Je me souviens que la vie ne faisait aucun doute
Quel rêve, quelle magie ai-je perdus en route?
Peut-être n'étais-je alors
Pas assez libre ni assez droit
Et les folies je me rappelle!
Les mots portés si près du ciel
J'ai vu s'évanouir en volutes blessées
Les tâches mauves des jours défaits
Comme le goût du cassis fut amer...
Aujourd'hui, je m'efface et m'endors
Si les échos des rires ne viennent plus à moi
Si je retiens mon sort à l'écart des chimères
Reclu au plus près de la terre
Je pourrai taire le remords, je crois.
Laisser un commentaire
1 juin 2018 à 5:04
Purple, like a butterfly that departs as quickly as a half forgotten memory
7 août 2010 à 11:08
wow . .
dreaming . .
dreaming . .
7 juil. 2010 à 0:41
I like your works. They are wonderful. The visual art and the poetry compliments one other. Such creative work inspires and put under a charm. Thank you. My Butterfly in the Plaster wish to fly again.
6 juin 2010 à 17:20
C'est un très jolie tableau aussi, les couleurs sont tellement harmonieuse ! Votre poème est drôlement beau, mais, votre peinture me fait penser a un autre poème celui d'Arthur Rimbaud : le dormeur du val.
Allez le lire, vous verrez.
Allez le lire, vous verrez.
19 janv. 2010 à 22:55
Your work is touching. Dualistic. Intense.
Love it.
Love it.
5 mai 2009 à 3:03
all looks restive and relaxed....except maybe the figure in stone....not quite as relaxed as the one it shelters....why the cringing eyebrows? unsettling memories???
14 déc. 2008 à 21:50
I adore your artwork.
In all ways.
In all ways.
31 août 2008 à 3:48
is the fish about a love that is alive but only resting in a way. just for the moment?
its just a guess. probly not. but i adore this.
its just a guess. probly not. but i adore this.
Johnson Olumuyiwa
2 nov. 2007 à 15:38
Great and Good Artwork.
Can i recommend it for halloween pictures?
Can i recommend it for halloween pictures?
2 nov. 2007 à 15:45
Hmm. I'm not sure that it's scary enough for that purpose. By the way Halloween's over I think.
9 oct. 2007 à 0:41
You're really such an inspiration.
Your works are absolutely, indeed gorgeous, soft, and just... so profoundly pretty~
And the amount of details and emotions you put into 'em... very lovely ;D
Your works are absolutely, indeed gorgeous, soft, and just... so profoundly pretty~
And the amount of details and emotions you put into 'em... very lovely ;D
12 oct. 2007 à 14:59
Thank you
Malachi Murray
8 juil. 2007 à 20:22
I absolutely love your work...I've never seen art like this. I might only be 15, but I know beauty when i see it. You're officially my favorite artist....
Keep up the good work, some day i hope to be half as good as you.
Peace & love,
Keep up the good work, some day i hope to be half as good as you.
Peace & love,
21 juil. 2007 à 12:22
Catch up the beauty anywhere it lies, and you'll never cease to love. Thanks for stopping by young boy.
16 avr. 2007 à 8:28
Precioso bello me encanta
31 janv. 2007 à 19:07
I think this is my favorite painting by you. There's so much detail in all of your paintings, but the thing that I really like this is the stone fish. I'm not sure why, but I really dig it.
Wonderful, beautiful work- as always.
Wonderful, beautiful work- as always.
31 janv. 2007 à 19:14
Thank you. I do like the stone fish too. It's like both resting, and alive.
4 janv. 2007 à 8:24
This piece actually brings tears to my eyes. Something about large stone carvings of people hits me in a strange way. (like The Argonath from "The Lord of the Rings") Above everything in this piece I really like the visual trick you play on the viewer from foreground to background. It seems like the land to the left and right of the head should be in the background, and yet the head fades is apart of them. It's odd, I know, but it keeps me looking at it.
Your works are simply awe-inspiring. I hope I can achieve a fraction of the kind of expertise you have!
Your works are simply awe-inspiring. I hope I can achieve a fraction of the kind of expertise you have!
8 janv. 2007 à 18:17
I remember that scenery from LODTR perfectly. When I first saw the movie I was a bit discouraged: to me it was like they had made 25 gorgeous paintings per second while I only paint one in six months...
I'm glad you felt this "floating" sensation about the head. Despite its strength and obvious weight it is supposed to represent the mind.
I'm glad you felt this "floating" sensation about the head. Despite its strength and obvious weight it is supposed to represent the mind.
16 déc. 2006 à 16:24
Strange to see that no one seems to have noticed the stone fish in other paintings of yours... Symbol of broken hearts?
19 déc. 2006 à 16:40
Oh, they did actually. I often get questions about this but I continue to keep that secret :) However you are close to get the real meaning.
11 déc. 2006 à 20:19
Oh, I thought it was something like that actually, translation is always unsatisfying... so, that makes me think that sooner or later, i'll be glad to have you answering my question about the stone fish ;)
13 déc. 2006 à 11:11
Someday maybe... but for now I'm still happy to keep my little secret about it :)
8 déc. 2006 à 0:03
How comes such a difference between the french and english version of the verses ? Whatever, both fit perfectly to the mystery of the dreamer... beautiful, so beautiful work.
8 déc. 2006 à 0:10
Bonsoir Patricia! Really good question :) Both are complementing, it's not a translation. It's like if the stone man was writing his thoughts in english et l'homme de chair lui répond en français. To me, english is more mental, while french is so much natural.
7 déc. 2006 à 1:37
This piece is absolutely stunning, but of course two months of work will do that. your use of color blending is fantastic, nothing is made up of one color.
I was wondering, what do your brush sizes range from when you did this painting?
I was wondering, what do your brush sizes range from when you did this painting?
8 déc. 2006 à 0:01
The largest brush must be about 20, not so big actually. For tiny details, I sometimes use 0. In the past I could use a 000 brush but I managed to give it up; that was absurd for a canvas this wide.
6 déc. 2006 à 21:38
You are truly an inspiration: emotionally as well as artistically. Hold on tight to your muse!
8 déc. 2006 à 0:00
I'm glad I inspired you, and I'll hold on, I promise!
6 déc. 2006 à 15:20
U r wonderful artist, I m really adore ur talents