Auto-portrait aux fées
Mars 2005
Huile sur toile - 120x80 cm

So you caught me in this reverie,
There at home where I could stay for hours.
You thought I was trapped from within.
I won't blame you, if you couldn't notice
That my aloneness was filled
Richer than all the madnesses and frenzies
You all live in.
The austere discomfort I am coiled in
Beneath that hole on the ceiling
Is a whole universe of fancies
And the sweetest haven for heart and soul.
There at home where I could stay for hours.
You thought I was trapped from within.
I won't blame you, if you couldn't notice
That my aloneness was filled
Richer than all the madnesses and frenzies
You all live in.
The austere discomfort I am coiled in
Beneath that hole on the ceiling
Is a whole universe of fancies
And the sweetest haven for heart and soul.
Ainsi vous m'avez surpris dans cette rêverie
En ce lieu où je pourrais rester des heures
Et vous croyiez que j'y étais muré.
Je ne vous en veux pas de n'avoir remarqué
que ma solitude était habitée,
plus riche que la folie, la frénésie
du monde où vous vivez.
Cet inconfort austère dans lequel je me love
Dessous le trou béant de mon plafond
Est un univers pour les fées
Et le plus doux des havres pour le coeur et pour l'âme.
(Ce n'est pas très facile de traduire un poème! mais l'essentiel du sens est là .)
En ce lieu où je pourrais rester des heures
Et vous croyiez que j'y étais muré.
Je ne vous en veux pas de n'avoir remarqué
que ma solitude était habitée,
plus riche que la folie, la frénésie
du monde où vous vivez.
Cet inconfort austère dans lequel je me love
Dessous le trou béant de mon plafond
Est un univers pour les fées
Et le plus doux des havres pour le coeur et pour l'âme.
(Ce n'est pas très facile de traduire un poème! mais l'essentiel du sens est là .)

Laisser un commentaire
28 sept. 2014 à 14:56
à ‡a a l'air tellement confortable et charmant.
10 sept. 2011 à 4:23
Anyone viewing your art can see you put your heart and soul into everything you do. I am not an artist, truth be known I don't have an artistic bone in my body, BUT I do have eyes and they see the beauty of your work
21 avr. 2011 à 19:59
This is very beautiful. The subject of the painting is one which everyone can relate to :)
Do you glaze? If you do glaze, what colour do you use for the underpaintings?
Can an Alla Prima be blended as to bring the effect that is seen in glazed paintings?
I would be grateful for you help
Do you glaze? If you do glaze, what colour do you use for the underpaintings?
Can an Alla Prima be blended as to bring the effect that is seen in glazed paintings?
I would be grateful for you help
29 déc. 2010 à 22:18
Superbe et féérique ! J'adore, merci...
29 déc. 2010 à 20:18
Wow, I've ever thought of those great artists being a part of the past. Every time in school I had to face the art of, e.g. van Gogh or Dalà Â, whoever being still recognized today, I'd ever thought that no one else would be able to create such canvas with breathtaking perfection and beauty, I love it (:
12 sept. 2010 à 8:54
Sheer Brilliance!
7 août 2010 à 11:26
ton sejour est la-haut, tu devrais avoir honte
de venir habiter ce monde plein de fiel
de venir habiter ce monde plein de fiel
1 août 2010 à 10:58
Très belles lumières. à € la première idée je file sur certaines toiles mais il y a une douceur étonnante qui coule. Il y a une jolie necesité à peindre. Très belles couleurs. Je suis agréablement surpris de passer du temps ici. J'espère bientôt pouvoir les voir en chair et en os. Amicalement, bel été.
6 juin 2010 à 17:40
Le tableau est beau, le poème est beau et il illustre tout a fait le tableau... AH que dire si ce n'est que magnifique ? Franchement... Je suis totalement ébahie ! Et même époustouflé.
27 févr. 2010 à 21:22
It should be called Home and Fairies and also some Little People With Wings.
That dude's a flamer.
That dude's a flamer.
19 déc. 2009 à 18:28
Your work is breathtaking. Just beautiful. I felt like I couldn't look at your work without saying something. But yet, words can't capture what your work makes me feel. Wonderful, beautiful. Thank you for creating.
Kirk C. Peterson
23 juin 2009 à 18:32
Although I really love everything I have seen that you have done, I particularly love this painting. Very, very beautiful! Thank you for sharing your work with us.
5 mai 2009 à 3:33
There is a secret refuge that everyone goes back to....their own private abyss...well...atleast i do....and i think u have captured both the essence and the ecstasy of that abyss in ur work and ur words too...i think what i love about this one is the comfort and sense of belonging inside as small and confined a place as that....and yet the depiction of vastness of the realm of imagination that the space signifies..... the true light that brightens the soul....its beautiful......
25 avr. 2009 à 18:58
man.....this is crazy...u r gr8888......
9 avr. 2009 à 18:24
Its so weird as amazing as my own imagination goes nuts trying to work out this painting. I started questioning why he's in such small room and if the fairies arrived before he started drawing them or is he drawing them as he sees them (that was quite easy to work out from his facial expression). Its just a brilliant work of art!! Its so rare I get this feeling with art.
13 mars 2009 à 12:48
Hi Michaël! I was just wondering.. what is your favorite painting?
And what painting do you find the hardest to make??
I like this one because this is the first painting I ever saw that you made.. and i fell in love with it and I immediately searched your name in DA.. haha... btw, I first saw your work in our humanities class.. :)
please do answer.. :) and say hi to France again for me ;)
And what painting do you find the hardest to make??
I like this one because this is the first painting I ever saw that you made.. and i fell in love with it and I immediately searched your name in DA.. haha... btw, I first saw your work in our humanities class.. :)
please do answer.. :) and say hi to France again for me ;)
9 févr. 2009 à 1:39
he looks like you)
5 févr. 2009 à 19:34
It looks very awesome!!!! this kind of images I have them all the time in my mind but can't actually make them, yours is very detailed and I didn-t know that with oil you could have such fine details... just curioisity, since which age you started to paint, and how many years took after you made this?? greetings hope you answer
20 janv. 2009 à 19:18
This is excellent. Props to you, I'm captivated.
25 janv. 2009 à 4:07
I avow .. I've mixed dried hypnotizer powder with my pigments... mean me !
15 janv. 2009 à 3:42
Wow. The idea, the work, you are awesome at this! Keep on painting, you're doing the world a favor by painting!
21 nov. 2008 à 16:58
this painting is sooooooooooooo beautiful! so magic!!!! i have no idea about art, but this travels me... you are excellent!!! i wish i could give my hand to your magic hand man! bravo!!! you are so talented!
20 nov. 2008 à 14:22
This is the first of your work that I stumbled across on Deviantart and I think I must have spent over an hour lost in daydreams looking through your gallery.
Your work is exquisite and truly captures the imagination. I love the tiny detail and the hidden stories in them.
Your work is exquisite and truly captures the imagination. I love the tiny detail and the hidden stories in them.
14 déc. 2008 à 1:23
Wow an hour, that is way beyond what usual visitors spend. ( about 3 minutes average, stats say ;) )
Thank you for your time and your little note!
Thank you for your time and your little note!
12 nov. 2008 à 16:46
I love fairies too :)
9 nov. 2008 à 2:40
This one caught my eye on Deviantart the other day, and I noticed that once I began looking at it, I simply could not stop. The colors, the detail, EVERYTHING is simply breathtaking, and I think I have found a favorite oil-canvas artist :D Keep up the amazing work!
14 déc. 2008 à 1:24
And, even a bit late, I am very glad to be one of your fav oil painters! Thanks!
25 oct. 2008 à 6:32
The piece is really stunning. The way the light filters in through the dying vines is what really gets me- the coloring is amazing. I like the way the fairies glow without it affecting the color of the man's skin- it makes them more unearthly and majestic.
The only criticism I can think of is that his right forearm and wrist are disproportionate in length.
Post more paintings, please!
The only criticism I can think of is that his right forearm and wrist are disproportionate in length.
Post more paintings, please!
31 août 2008 à 18:21
c'est pure c'est beau merci de nous aidé a nous évédé de ce monde continu com sa
chaque tableaux me touche o plu profon de mè entraille bravo
chaque tableaux me touche o plu profon de mè entraille bravo
14 juin 2008 à 16:31
I like your style and your paintings. I hope you don't mind if I put a link on you at Russian Livejournal community:
3 juin 2008 à 17:33
Hi Michael, I just discovered your work over on deviant while browsing, and can't believe I missed it for so long. I've been long awed by people who can use oil paint to this level of skill, but your works are unlike any oil paintings I've seen. You capture light in the same way digital paintings do, an incredible feat in my eyes given the digital medium is light itself. To say I find this inspiring is a gross understatement, you make me wish I had the ventilation, space and time to go back to working oils again.
As a self portrait, this one caught my attention in particular, as even before I'd read the description, I loved the way it expresses what it is to be artistic. Mostly because despite the cramped setting the figure is curled up in, the overall feel of the piece is one of quiet contentment, not discomfort, as you might expect. It is often an enclosed world, alien to those who've never been there, being a painter, but I couldn't be happier than when I'm closed in its walls.
It brightened my day. So thank you.
As a self portrait, this one caught my attention in particular, as even before I'd read the description, I loved the way it expresses what it is to be artistic. Mostly because despite the cramped setting the figure is curled up in, the overall feel of the piece is one of quiet contentment, not discomfort, as you might expect. It is often an enclosed world, alien to those who've never been there, being a painter, but I couldn't be happier than when I'm closed in its walls.
It brightened my day. So thank you.
29 avr. 2008 à 6:14
Sadly, no. I'm still in the "aspiring" stage of things. I'm flattered you asked, however.
24 avr. 2008 à 4:38
I found this painting browsing Deviantart and think it is truly inspiring. Much as I would love to be a visual artist, I have neither the patience nor the skill, and content myself by writing instead. As a writer, I enjoy the endless stories your paintings contain. Keep up the great work.
27 avr. 2008 à 14:04
Even though they are usually built upon a story of my own, when I spread an image to the world I try to make it as free for interpretation as possible, giving only clues, or surreal words that encourage the imagination. Inspiring might be the most rewarding adjective to welcome my work.
Can your writings been seen somewhere, by any chance ?
Can your writings been seen somewhere, by any chance ?
4 nov. 2007 à 12:47
nice job dude....
23 oct. 2007 à 23:33
Absolutely incredible work man, im sure you already know. ;)
26 sept. 2007 à 13:52
Hey there!
I founded this link at your deviantart gallery.
I love it! And I love those words you wrote here about the painting process.
I totally agree with you- relaxing and irreplaceable!
I founded this link at your deviantart gallery.
I love it! And I love those words you wrote here about the painting process.
I totally agree with you- relaxing and irreplaceable!
9 sept. 2007 à 14:58
Ahh.. except for the nose and feminine lips, truly a masterpiece.. Thanks for sharing your divine creation..
12 oct. 2007 à 15:19
The nose looks like mine, but the lips indeed, they have a feminine feel. I had never seen it under this angle. Thanks.. and it's not divine, just .. daydreaming a little.
27 juil. 2007 à 21:21
This was the first painting I saw by your hand, and it still amazes me, like all the others do as well.
I absolutely love your style and use of light and color.
You are one of 2 people who made me want to learn to draw/paint.
(the other one is a friend claiming "everyone can learn it"..)
To my own amazement I can actually (and suddenly) produce something half decent , but it's training and patience only, I definitely lack the talent.
Still it is incredibly FUN and motivating.
Thank you so much for showing some of the steps of how you create these!
I hope to come close to your work someday ( and really, 1 km from it is close enough ).
I think your work would be perfect for fairy tale books - I know I would have loved to stare at these pictures for ages when I was a kid, letting my mind take me places. And now, at 27, I'm staring at them for hours as well, only my imagination has lessened a little with age.
I absolutely love your style and use of light and color.
You are one of 2 people who made me want to learn to draw/paint.
(the other one is a friend claiming "everyone can learn it"..)
To my own amazement I can actually (and suddenly) produce something half decent , but it's training and patience only, I definitely lack the talent.
Still it is incredibly FUN and motivating.
Thank you so much for showing some of the steps of how you create these!
I hope to come close to your work someday ( and really, 1 km from it is close enough ).
I think your work would be perfect for fairy tale books - I know I would have loved to stare at these pictures for ages when I was a kid, letting my mind take me places. And now, at 27, I'm staring at them for hours as well, only my imagination has lessened a little with age.
1 juin 2007 à 11:43
I love this. Your (character?) looks so lifelike and realistic, but the presence of the fairies give it a very romantic and fantasy-world-like feel. Somehow I feel that it has a deeper meaning but I'm taking it as it is. Wonderful, interesting and imaginative.
I have experience with using traditional medium (watercolor & pencils mostly) but I let it go stagnant. I'm trying to pick up and start again.
I have experience with using traditional medium (watercolor & pencils mostly) but I let it go stagnant. I'm trying to pick up and start again.
17 avr. 2007 à 11:18
your works are amazing. I've been looking at them for a while. you have such great talent. your painting say a lot. i appreciated them :) its nostalgia, i miss my fairy days being a little girl.
yours Sarah xx
yours Sarah xx
6 févr. 2007 à 22:23
OMG. Je suis en 2e session au cégep, et je viens souvent chercher des idées sur Deviantart ! J'ai une passion folle pour la peinture à l'huile, et lorsque je suis tombée sur tes toiles, mygod. J'ai du toute les regarder, plusieurs fois même, de proche de loin, en détails. Peu importe, c'est tout simplement magnifique ! Je les aime toutes. Mais surtout l'autoportrait avec les fées, et le jardin avec les statuettes ! Tu as du tellement mettre du temps ! J'aurais probablement jamais la patience d'aller aussi loin, mais vous êtes maintenant mon idole. Continuez votre beau travail, j'en veux encore !! :)
11 févr. 2007 à 18:31
Quel enthousiasme! ;) La peinture à l'huile peut faire de belles choses, si on lui accorde un peu de temps; je suis sûr que tu pourras en faire autant.
7 janv. 2007 à 16:51
This is an extremely beautiful piece for lack of better words. It's extremely realistic, even with the chicks with wings in there! I love how you showed the steps of thought and preparation that went into this painting. I'm an aspiring artist (hobby wise, anyway), an I love to see what others have come up with while using tradtional media. Your progression leading up to the painting will definately help me, as I paint more.
Thank you for sharing this artwork with us!
Thank you for sharing this artwork with us!
28 déc. 2006 à 12:56
I really love this picture. You're great!
I hope you'll put on more pictures to your site. They're amazing. :D
I hope you'll put on more pictures to your site. They're amazing. :D
29 déc. 2006 à 21:54
I will post more.
Just be patient.. I'm so desperately slow!
Just be patient.. I'm so desperately slow!
27 déc. 2006 à 21:50
...Tout simplement... Waw... C'est... C'est vraiment magnifique, à en pleurer. Je trouve que vos créations sont tellement belles, tellement fantastiques, il n'y a pas de mots pour les décrire. La précision, la finesse, le doigté, les couleurs, les attitudes, tout est parfait ou presque(car prétendre atteindre la perfection, pour quiconque, me semble un peu orgueilleux).
En tout cas, merci, merci de créer des choses aussi belles. Et merci de les faire partager, vous avez égayé ma journée pourtant des plus sinistres, continuez ce que vous faites, et j'espère qu'un jour vous serez reconnu et nommé parmi les plus grands, vous le méritez!
En tout cas, merci, merci de créer des choses aussi belles. Et merci de les faire partager, vous avez égayé ma journée pourtant des plus sinistres, continuez ce que vous faites, et j'espère qu'un jour vous serez reconnu et nommé parmi les plus grands, vous le méritez!
29 déc. 2006 à 21:50
Bien sûr, et heureusement, que ce n'est pas parfait; la perfection c'est surtout tellement ennuyeux!
Je suis touché aussi par ce message. Pour ma part la peinture égaye et donne une raison à ma vie tout entière. Pouvoir transmettre cette passion est une vrai chance. Merci à vous et bon courage!
Je suis touché aussi par ce message. Pour ma part la peinture égaye et donne une raison à ma vie tout entière. Pouvoir transmettre cette passion est une vrai chance. Merci à vous et bon courage!
12 déc. 2006 à 23:23
Vous avez réellement un talent fou... Je suis impressionnée et j'ai le souffle coupé à chaque découverte d'une autre de vos oeuvres! Wow! Vraiment... le détail et , si je ne m'abuse (et je ne crois pas le faire après avoir lu votre description), tout l'amour et la patience que vous mettez dans chacune de vos toiles... non seulement vous êtes excellent, mais vous avez l'âme d'un véritable artiste...
Enfin, j'espère ne pas trop en avoir dit et ne pas paraître..peut importe quoi! Mais je vous admire! Bravo!
Enfin, j'espère ne pas trop en avoir dit et ne pas paraître..peut importe quoi! Mais je vous admire! Bravo!
13 déc. 2006 à 11:17
Tous ces mots, c'est beaucoup trop, merci :) C'est vrai qu'il y a de l'amour, mais ma vie réelle est autre. La peinture est une amante, aurais-je le courage un jour de tout abandonner pour me consacrer à sa passion?
11 déc. 2006 à 17:00
Your work is very beautiful. I'm a young artist, and so far I've only worked with pencils and paint. I don't really have the desire to use computers at all. However, I notice the majority of today's young artists, actually prefer computers.
It's inspiring to see someone who is so talented, and still does it the old fashioned way. Beautiful, beautiful work.
It's inspiring to see someone who is so talented, and still does it the old fashioned way. Beautiful, beautiful work.
13 déc. 2006 à 11:09
Computers certainly bring out many possibilities and allow to create faster, which is perfect for illustrators who must respond to tight deadlines. But they also lack soul. I don't think you miss anything by not using them; traditional medium involves the whole of you, to tame it you have to stay humble and true. For the sake of Art these are great values.