Pas d'Ange

There you are, in the box I enclosed you in. This is the place you'll live from now on, if any life there could be in your grayish palette.
I can't watch anymore whatever lively you have, precisely: your woven skin covered with paint, your touchable surface, and inside each chip of it the sullen fervor of the hours spent. So I ditched you at the top of a closet, and laid you on your side, in order to block your vertical aspirations. You are just a landscape now, panoramic version, so that your nakedness and your dangling look make me think of a tank fish, that would simply wonder where, where the hell have the shrimp flakes been, it was supposed to be time for food, wasn't it? _ your very tank fish's existential question.
I already forgot what you wanted to say. Though you have used your speaking time, I admit. Your bewitched words, your pretentious propensity for premonition; that dull evening of rain and despondency when you printed this clear image in my brain, making me seize an empty canvas and lock myself in my room, and spend hours of night throwing oils and White Spirit to write down your message and dilute my misunderstood rage.
That very evening, you, you already knew.
Some technical insight
The church is Saint-Louis des Chartrons in Bordeaux, a neo-gothic construction that watch for my small neighborhood. For some reasons I wanted to paint a facial view of it, but this viewpoint is impossible to get since the church is closely surrounded by small buildings that occlude every sight.
The only view you can get is from ground level, but the perspective makes it totally distorted. So I had to rebuild the view from various informations: I counted the number of brick rows for each floor. Made a few sketches, took various pictures. Then I went the other side of the river, right in front of the church, where I could see two towers from very far, thus undistorted by perspective. With the information of the total height ( found on the web ) I managed to solve the jigsaw puzzle by sticking the various pictures in photoshop.
In the end, the view you see in the painting is, I hope, close to reality, but cannot be seen in real life.
j'aime son aspect liquide et l'impression de déséquilibre , de défaillance qui s'en dégage...
elle est differente des autres...
Je travaille à lui trouver une réponse, au travers d'un diptyque.
The raw power, despair pouring from the image seem to be really overwhelming and immediately turn the viewer's attention from the painting onto the painter himself, making one wonder what state was the author possibly in...
I think painting emotions is not hard when you treat them as craft... However paitning something that literally *screams* with desperation and unending sadness almost causing the viewer to feel the same is one of the hardest tasks before any artist. I think you accomplished it greatly... A masterful painting.
Apart from the immense kindness of your comment, and the value such critique gets coming from someone as skilled as you, I have to say, that when I saw the email behind the first name, I had tears brought to my eyes, because it's been so long my dearest friend, so long. Such feeling passes the silent years without a single scratch. If time is the enemy, then, it's defeated, be sure of it.
en tout cas, toutes mes félicitations pour votre travail, je répète ce que tous les autres vous disent, mais vous faites un travail admirable!
j'attends vos prochaines oeuvres avec impatience ^^
Bonne journée à vous!!
Les jambes du personnages sont un peu faibles c'est vrai. En fait, cette toile ne peut être regardée que si elle est suspendue en hauteur. Si on la pose au sol, le personnage semble tout petit et maigrelet, il fait un peu pitié!
Anyway, I love the colours and the concept, so different from your other works, but I like it a lot.
Greetings from Poland.
I fear my painting doesn't have the warmth and the depth of his works, but I appreciate your message a lot.
You have some amazing artists in your country. Coincidentally half my ancestors are polish, though I've never had a chance to visit. I wish I get that opportunity someday soon !
Jealousy... you bad bad sinner ;)
I hink you're a really talented artist.... and actor ;) lol
Well I keenly observed to be able to know how you felt and the color was one of what I considered..
I'm from the Philippines :)
I hink you're a really talented artist.... and actor ;) lol
Well I keenly observed to be able to know how you felt and the color was one of what I considered..
I'm from the Philippines :)
But I saw a hint of pink from the right side of the painting..(which is in contrast to the rest of the painting's colors). So it's not so gloomy after all, I think?!
I really love your works. Say hi to France for me! :)
Sincerely it was hard to sustain the effort for so long, the mood was uneasy to bare; once you've started, you have to keep up... it's very sincere in the meaning, but the making has something of a role play sometimes.
You saw the pinkish glance ( so girly ;) ). Where are you from ?