Queen of Technical Nonsense
September 2005
Oil painting on canvas - 46x55 cm (18x22 inch)

I drew her eyes 3 years ago and swirled around them in an abstract movement which meaning I never really understood.
Each time I entered my parent's home I was captivated by her look from the other side of the corridor. I always wondered what unspoken thought could hide behind her pale forehead, what mysterious secret could drive me hypnotized to the depths of her pupils.
One day at home, in a sudden impulse I grabbed a random blank canvas and started to sketch my Queen again. I painted during one month. Feverishly.
Each time I entered my parent's home I was captivated by her look from the other side of the corridor. I always wondered what unspoken thought could hide behind her pale forehead, what mysterious secret could drive me hypnotized to the depths of her pupils.
One day at home, in a sudden impulse I grabbed a random blank canvas and started to sketch my Queen again. I painted during one month. Feverishly.
I struggled with the hues to keep her face cold but still feel the life breathing underneath.
I blew wind in her hair and colored her lips with purple.
I spent tenth of hours with tiny brushes to carve the surface of her mechaorganic coat.
I reworked her eyes several times until I felt trapped in her look again.
I blew wind in her hair and colored her lips with purple.
I spent tenth of hours with tiny brushes to carve the surface of her mechaorganic coat.
I reworked her eyes several times until I felt trapped in her look again.
Queen of Technical Nonsense appears in the 13th edition of Spectrum, among the artworks of today's most renowned contemporary artists in the field of fantasy art.
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Feb. 14, 2013 13:22
I just sent this post to a bunch of my friends as I agree with most of what you‘re saying here and the way you‘ve presented it is awesome.
Dec. 1, 2012 19:25
I can't take my eyes of it! It is so great.
And how you present your art and all the magic behind!
I am a big fan :-)
And how you present your art and all the magic behind!
I am a big fan :-)
Dec. 10, 2012 16:00
I'm sorry it trapped you so bad. ( oh, am I ? ;) )
Your photography portfolio is really nice too! All the best.
Your photography portfolio is really nice too! All the best.
Jul. 22, 2010 15:33
Wow! The eyes haunt me. I wish I could paint like this. Oh my! The eyes . . . they haunt me.
This painting is so powerful. Thanks for sharing this, Sir.
This painting is so powerful. Thanks for sharing this, Sir.
Jun. 6, 2010 17:22
Ses yeux sont merveilleux, sont regard acroche, j'ai l'impression qu'elle me voit, qu'elle me fixe et qu'elle me dit de venir ! Elle a l'air tellement réelle. J'adore !
Jan. 11, 2010 18:18
Now this one is gorgeous.. i love the waterglobe. :)
May 5, 2009 3:41
I saw the graphite drawing...i think u have outdone urself with the eyes...they are the most alive yet strangely mysterious eyes i have ever come across in a painting....very very nice!!!
Apr. 9, 2009 18:09
the graphite version is just mind blowing. I got it as my background on my comp at the movement.. Just cant stop looking at it. Great work!
Feb. 16, 2009 14:47
hi.. thanks for sharing this kind of work,. I love it
Dec. 14, 2008 21:53
This is like the new Mona Lisa.
Nov. 2, 2008 3:38
Very beautiful. Also, I saw the graphite drawing of it on Deviantart, and I know it sounds sappy, but her eyes nearly had me in tears! Such a wonderful face...
Dec. 5, 2008 18:50
It is beautiful to feel. It makes me very proud if I helped.
Sep. 7, 2008 0:40
escequ'il serait possible que je copie cette image, pour la faire tirer sur papier et l'acrocher dans ma chambre?
Sep. 5, 2008 1:31
très beau tableau, les yeux de cette princesse sont mysterieux et a la fois fascinant si bien que je suis restée je ne sais combien de temps a la regarder parce que l'effet de perspective de sa coiffure me donne l'impresion qu'elle va s'evanouir dans le decor quand il n'y auras plus d'eau dans la sphere de laquelle elle a brisée les chainnes, comme si elle voulais separer la conexion entre elle et moi et moi pas.
Jul. 16, 2008 17:28
very dreamy paintings.. images are something i used to dream of when young.. like just looking at ur work.. u take me to another world.. :)
Nov. 29, 2007 5:02
I could stare at this for hours.
Its amazing.
Its amazing.
Dec. 3, 2007 14:54
You can stare as long as you want. It's free ;)
Nov. 15, 2007 9:38
Cool , Very Coool
Sep. 24, 2007 19:01
j'aime beaucpou celui-ci !!!!
Jul. 18, 2007 17:18
Hey... this is awesome. It kinda freaks me out though cause it looks like you drew me lol.. heh. Anyway, this is beautiful. It's mysterious and enlightening. Your use of oils is so impressive it's surreal and the detailing is amazing. Woot! sir.. woot.
Jul. 21, 2007 12:08
I googled your email and kinda figured out a picture of you (Call me sneaky). That is freaky indeed. It does look like you.
May 19, 2007 16:24
Your work is so beautiful! Just a random question, what was the hardest part about painting this? In my opinion, everything would be hard... XD
May 26, 2007 11:18
The eyes, definitely. I wanted to make them alive, and now when you light up the painting in a certain way they look like humid. The lips where hard too since I needed something ambiguous for her smile.
Jan. 22, 2007 1:42
This is an incredible piece of work, and you really succeeded with the way her eyes 'trap' you, the angle of the painting is perfect too. Hats off to you - I'm so glad I stumbeled across your work on Deviantart.
Madam Muffled
Dec. 23, 2006 18:25
Ses yeux sont vraiment éternels, comme s'il y avait un feu qui ne s'éteindra jamais. Bravo. Les couleurs de ce tableau sont fantastiques, et l'idée est merveilleuse.
Dec. 7, 2006 12:54
Simply beautiful, this is the work that appears in Spectrum 13? I'll certainly highly consider buying it, if the work is as good as yours then it will be well worth the buy :)
Her eyes really do captivate you.
Her eyes really do captivate you.
Dec. 7, 2006 23:55
Thanks! Yes, this is the one they picked up ( link ). If you like fantastic illustration you should really consider acquiring the book. It is fully loaded with very high quality artworks, mostly done by professionals though.