Inutile désert de vide
Avril 2002
Huile sur toile

J'ai peint cette toile juste après Sous la Rouille, c'est à dire au terme de 4 mois de labeur dévoué à la peinture Le désert représente le vide créatif du monde alentours, où le personnage s'évertue à faire pousser, l'échine courbée, des arbres qui grossissent mais ne font pas de feuilles. Ces arbres en grandissant, dans un mouvement qui fait penser à un feu, forment pourtant les barreaux de sa propre prison.
Plus tard j'ai été contacté par une association de lutte contre la dépression qui voulait cette image pour couverture d'un CD. Ils trouvaient que le tableau illustrait parfaitement leur thème!
Un peu vexé, j'ai refusé :)
Plus tard j'ai été contacté par une association de lutte contre la dépression qui voulait cette image pour couverture d'un CD. Ils trouvaient que le tableau illustrait parfaitement leur thème!
Un peu vexé, j'ai refusé :)
Laisser un commentaire
13 oct. 2013 à 18:49
This painting of yours reminds me of Salvador Dali, it reminds me off one particular painting of Dali, but I can not remember the title of the painting, but I can describe it to you a little bit, maybe you can help me a little bit (or maybe not), so let me begin: there is a bald-headed person in a desert-like environment in nearly the same position as yours, the position of its left hand is nearly identical to the position of the right hand in your painting and there are also two books on the ground of the desert-like environment, did you draw inspiration from that painting?
21 déc. 2013 à 22:38
Hello, well I don't know Dali very well; although there's an exhaustive biography of him at home on a shelf. I should have a look at it someday :) I don't know that particular painting, and didn't draw inspiration from it. But one is always subject to influences which can come from anywhere; how these influences impact one's creation is hard to tell, it's probably very unconscious.
7 août 2010 à 11:30
wow wow wow . .
is very nice . .
thank you
is very nice . .
thank you
11 nov. 2008 à 23:40
This one is my favourite of the works you've displayed on the website. I can relate to the theme, I think it's wonderfully expressed!
I'm also an artist (still a student though) but I've only recently started painting with oil paint, because of your works. They really inspire me!
I'm also an artist (still a student though) but I've only recently started painting with oil paint, because of your works. They really inspire me!
16 nov. 2008 à 22:07
I am very glad that my paintings helped that little spark in you to shine somehow! I hope the paint will give you as much as pleasure as it gave to me. I wasn't far from a beginner too, when I painted this one.
3 avr. 2008 à 3:41
Hey, i'm a yr 12 art student studying and researching for my major, your work is an insipiration, love your style and expression
7 avr. 2008 à 11:08
inspirational is a very nice compliment, thank you for it.