

Friday 6 December 2013
J'aime la nuit; j'aime ce froid.
Enfiler un vieux manteau de laine, ouvrir la fenêtre et plonger mes pensées dans son silence. Peut-être, y brûler une cigarette.
J'aime les nuits froides d'hiver qui me laissent me retrouver un petit instant, le temps que se consume le tabac comme un sablier incandescent. Parfois, si le plaisir de l'évasion semble trop éphémère, je retourne le sablier une seconde fois.
Une toute petite fille, dort. Je ne risquerai pas de troubler son imperceptible respiration de bébé de mes relents de fumée.
Une jeune femme dort aussi, et j'irai dans un moment dégager les boucles brunes de son oreille pour lui chuchoter
que je l'aime.
Les visions courent vers le loin, entre les immeubles assoupis et les arbres noirs, libres, lucides soudain.
J'aime la nuit, j'aime ce froid.
Ici, je m'entrevois.

Vanessa au téléphone portable

Thursday 3 October 2013

Petit croquis opportuniste pendant que la miss juchée sur son canapé pianotait. Hélas je n'ai pas su suspendre le mouvement de ses doigts, aussi cette partie-là s'en trouve-t-elle copieusement bâclée.
131003 sketch of Vanessa with smartphone

The mood to write

Tuesday 30 July 2013

This blog looks abandoned.

At first I lacked time, but then, when the cat died, I had lost the mood.
There would be things to tell, and others to show. Not plenty, but enough to fill up an entry each month, like I used to, like I did for seven years.
There is a painter in me that strives _and a man in me that's growing ready too_ for being reborn.

Blog, I see you soon.

Croquis à l'ordi

Friday 21 June 2013

Voici Vanessa, assez absorbée par les clics pour que je la dessine, au crayon de couleur.

Croquis Vanessa à l'ordi. Crayon de couleur et graphite. Zancan

cat speedpaint

Friday 14 December 2012
cat Speedpaint gribouille

That's a 20 minutes sketch of my cat Tom Gribouille done on the ipad, with a software named sketchpad.

"Art to Play" Nantes 2012

Monday 26 November 2012

I attended the second occurence of Art to Play convention in Nantes, France, as a participant ( once more ) to the "Arting Spirit" painting competition. The subject was given at 9 in the morning: "I am a superhero". The artists, around 20 of them I think, had 12 hours ahead to paint a 50cm x 50cm canvas.

zancan at Art to Play, Nantes 2012

Doing a painting in just one day was a challenge to me. For the first time I gave up the idea of using oil paints, and reluctantly switched to acrylics.
My reflexion about the theme led me to express the dichotomy there was between the genuine normality of "I" and the otherworldliness power contained in the "superhero".
That dichotomy is express through two different rendering styles. The one belonging to the real world of "I" is more realistic, while the imaginary, visionary expression of supernatural is rather cartoonish. The character, by planting a tree in a suburban desert, accomplishes a stubborn act of heroism, powered by the feeling that the whole spirit of Nature is acclaiming behind him.

I am a super hero painting by Zancan

Though I became a bit dissatisfied by the lack of smoothness and density of acrylic paint ( compared to oils ), I had pleasure painting this, plus I seemed to manage the tight schedule okay. At the end of the next day, the jury gave their vote and oh, how cool was that, I got the first prize! I got a 1200 € paycheck which at the same time disqualified me for all upcoming "Arting Spirit" challenges. Instead I'll be a member of the jury for the next event in Switzerland, in April for Polymanga.

Art to Play 2012 - Arting Spirit Winners

Apart from that very happy ending, it was a pleasure, just as always, to exhibit my works, sell prints, share a stand with my beloved Zélie Oiseau, and meet up with all the artists, my buddies Santiago and the craziest of all Meko, new encounters like Kara who was VIP signing his last comics, Cyril Nouvel my kind stand neighbor, Matthieu Moreau who got the second prize, Sitron right in front who offered me this adorable print, my talented right neighbor Senri and of course David and Sarah from Switzerland. Hope to meet you all soon guys !
Zélie Oiseau and Zancan stand at Art to Play

Cambridge Terrasse

Thursday 18 October 2012
De temps en temps, lorsqu'à l'heure du déjeuner, il faisait assez beau, j'allais m'asseoir à la même table sur la terrasse du pub Cambridge, et gribouillais ce dessin en attendant mon plat. Comme c'était souvent 14h passées, il ne restait plus guère de client; j'étais servi trop vite, et ne pouvais poursuivre mon croquis.
J'ai donc fait ce dessin en plusieurs fois; en cinq repas, il me semble.
A vrai dire, rien ne pressait.
Zancan - Cambridge Terrasse drawing
Dec. 13
6/12/2013 Clairvoyance