

Samedi 10 Mai 2008
080510 Dessin Cathedrale Pey Berland

Un dessin de la cathedrale Saint André, place Pey Berland à Bordeaux.
Quelques heures d'après-midi lascives, un verre de vin blanc à la terrasse d'un café, feutres gris, et mine graphite pour les petits détails.
Dessiner une église... c'est long, et tellement relaxant.


Vendredi 22 Février 2008

C'est un dessin gribouillé au style bille sur mon petit carnet noir dans le tram.

080222 Le murmure Dessin au stylo bille

il est écrit (un rien surréaliste)
Lorsque je t'ai rencontrée
Tu parlais alors en silence
Je tenais un murmure sur le bout de mes doigts;
Je n'avais d'yeux pour personne
et fredonnais depuis longtemps
le rythme des saisons.

A little old maybe, dreamer for sure

Mercredi 20 Février 2008
The office located the other side of the city gives me frequent opportunities to miss the last tram, forcing me to walk back home. It takes about one hour when walking fast, but that's far from being a hassle, especially since I adore night strolls throughout the city; they always end up opening my mind to reverie and fill it up with some refreshing vivacity.
080219 Croquis vieux peintre

Once home I sat and drew this man.
I know he looks bizarre; his face features are disproportional, and his look asymmetric. One eye looks up, the other looks on the left. Is that the expression of this persistent dichotomy of mine ?
I didn't think much about what I was doing actually, and maybe that's the reason why he looks so me-like _ or at least the state of mind I was in.

The pencils I used didn't give me much chance to correct the mistakes.

Julie came home in the middle of it, offered me a rum and stayed a little while by my side. She was quite in advance of the drinks to say the truth; and I wasn't talking much.

It's silly how much I missed painting.


Vendredi 14 Septembre 2007
070914 red haired beauty sketch

visage porcelaine, sourire facétieux, et la plume des feutres promène sa caresse sur l'épiderme de papier.

Coffee on Caturday

Lundi 30 Juillet 2007
Un croquis rapide, d'après une photo reçue sur mon téléphone le matin et qui me fit fondre de béatitude, au feutre Tombow (pointe pinceau), 5 tons de gris et un rouge.

Ridiculous nude man

Jeudi 29 Mars 2007
070329 Ridiculous Nude Man

The flu I caught a few weeks ago, came in a highly inappropriate moment, but I don't know which one of the overwork or the illness provoked the other. The fever did not drop for days. Once passed the certitude that I was about to die drowned in my own sweat, I resigned to stay at home and get some rest for a day or two.
It had been about one million years since I hadn't had time, just to sit and doodle random things, without thinking.

070329 Woman Looking UpThe above sketch is ball-point pen on paper. After my hand, acting on her own, finished doodling, I couldn't help but laughing for 10 minutes. He has the look of a self-assured super-hero doing a modern ballet dance, naked.
Ridiculous indeed.

Sketching roommates

Samedi 3 Février 2007
070203 Michael's sketch book
Having a new flat full of roommates and plenty of their friends is quite convenient for practicing sketching. They all quickly get used to being portrayed, and rapidly stop noticing. The drawback is that they keep moving all the time. Some of them are pretty quiet, but most can't sustain a pose for more than 2 nanoseconds :-/
I just have to fare with it. Actually I'm more used to draw people from my imagination rather than from real life, but I know that a good artist absolutely needs both sides, so I hope to make good progress here.
070203 Roommates sketches
( ft Jess, Julie, Matth, Thomas, Benoît )

Croquis aux trop longs bras

Mercredi 6 Décembre 2006
061213 Long Arms Sketch
Un croquis au stylo dans un coin de bloc à dessin.

Je ne sais pas.

Comme on se sent étrange et vain quelques fois.
Comme une simple étreinte, ce parfum que l'on connaît peut nous soutenir tout entier.

Little green things

Mardi 11 Juillet 2006
Colored pencils, inked outlines

Volubilis Monolithe

Dimanche 9 Juillet 2006
Volubilis Monolithe, crayon de couleurs sur papier. Il me semble que l'inspiration pour ce dessin m'est venue de Beksinski, alors que la palette ocre ferait penser à Di Maccio.
mai 08
10/5/2008 Cathedrale