
Friend doodling

Lundi 11 Juillet 2011
I was in Paris and stayed at Oceane and Cécilia's flat for a day. We went to see the Hugo Pratt exhibition at La Pinacothèque museum, it was really nice to see all those original watercolors. The permanent exhibition is something to see as well. Then at night, even though very tired, it was great to sit altogether, drawing. Below is Océane doing her "Spread the Love" drawing. The cat was long gone after I started the sketch, so I had to improvise, he's really wonky looking.

face à l'océan

Jeudi 23 Juin 2011

Love uplifts
I'm here to throw hopes
To begin anew
But I grew so much older after you

face à l'océan

comptine légère pour coeurs gros

Samedi 18 Juin 2011
Michaël a attendu 2H du matin, l'heure qu'elle lui avait donné. Il s'est rendu devant le bar anglais, a parlé avec le vieil Andy qu'il adore. Mais la compassion qui se dégageait était plus mordante qu'une lame, et Michaël est resté là, planté. Il n'a pas pu entrer dans le bar. Il s'en est retourné sous le silence et la pénombre de ses voûtes de pierre. Il s'est couché face vers le banc, pelotonné sous sa capuche aubergine et a laissé se vider un bien gros chagrin. Le chaton venait lui grignoter le nez, grimpait sur sa tête pour s'y installer enfin et s'endormir après un long ronron. Puis Michaël s'est ressaisi et s'est levé. Par la porte qu'il avait oublié entrouverte il a senti des pas s'arrêter, et s'est souvenu que le Vcub était resté posé sur sa béquille sans cadenas. Les pas ont eu un air gêné, et le temps que la porte s'ouvre ils s'échappaient maladroits sur les pavés rustiques de la rue du Couvent, dans le froufrou d'une robe en Polka Dots noire et blanc. Il faisait silence et Michaël a perçu les reniflements qui ponctuaient la marche des escarpins un pas sur quatre. Alors il a appelé. Mademoiselle. Mais la silhouette ondulée, la voluptueuse silhouette chagrinée s'est enfoncée dans la nuit des réverbères et le virage l'a happée.
Michaël a posé sur son nez ses lunettes de vue spéciales yeux bouffis, a mis le chaton (peu coopératif) dans le sac en lui disant qu'on rentre à la maison, a fermé rapidement le bureau et a pédalé en direction des pas _ la même que le bar. Il est passé devant le porche d'église où une ombre recroquevillée comme une chauve-souris, mais à l'endroit, se tenait assise. Il n'était pas certain, mais il l'était presque. Alors il a arrêté sa course en freinant avec la semelle, et est venu lui parler. Elle a d'abord décliné très poliment en faisant mine de partir, et c'était bien naturel, car un porche d'église dans une ville déserte se doit de sembler inquiétant, au milieu de la nuit. Il l'a retenue par une phrase douce. Ils se sont assis tous les trois, deux coeurs en petits bouts et une petite boule d'amour qui enfonçait son minois dans les plis de la robe. Ils ont raconté leurs malheurs un moment. Ils se sont levés et la demoiselle, for élégante sans les sanglots, lui a dit merci, car je vais beaucoup mieux. Lui aussi, de fait, allait beaucoup mieux. Ils se sont serrés fort et ont souhaité une bonne nuit. C'est ainsi que Michaël a rencontré ...

de passage

Dimanche 12 Juin 2011
Rappelle-moi souvent
que je ne veux rien qu'un corps long qui se prête
Des yeux plissés d'aise et des gestes de chat.
Qu'importe l'anachronisme des coeurs et la date
de ton départ
Je ne veux rien autant
que ton souffle chaud sur ma paume
Lorsque baille aux corneilles ton museau de belette
Mais ne dis pas
... je pars.
La raison est trouble-fête
N'oublie pas seulement
de placer un index sur mes lèvres
Lorsqu'il te semble que je pose
trop de questions

Polymanga 2011

Jeudi 5 Mai 2011

It took a little while to finally tell a bit about what was my very first comics convention as an artist. This journey to Switzerland has been the most frantic ever, 4 days packed with traveling, painting, drawing, meeting people, sleep deprivation and cosplay overdose.
Although I had no idea how on earth my type of work would fit a Japanese comics convention, when the director of Polymanga called for inviting me to participate in this new concept named "Arting Spirit", I was thrilled by the promise of a fun, yet endangering experience. I must admit that when the day arrived, the prospective of waking up at 4, followed by a 3 hour train ride to Paris then a 9-hour trip to Lausanne suddenly pondered the enthusiasm. However I quickly found that the Polybus filled with comics artists and art fellows was all I needed to deepen into the drawing ambiance in a flash!
Tenth of new awesome encounters later, we shared the youth hostel room with Lorenzo and Flonum, two out of the thirty participants that would be in the starting blocks for the Arting competition on that early Saturday morning.
Each of us was given a easel, a 100x100 cm canvas, two days and a subject that left everyone puzzled in the first place: "3D". Just the sound of it, in French : "troidé". It could be the third dimension. It could be three dices. It could be anything. I put down the mind game on paper, and a few scribbles later I settled with the idea of three characters _ actually three variants of the same_ which would be allegories of the words "Défi, Désir, Délit" (literally: Defier, Desire, Delict). I would also give a simpler entry point by having my composition sit onto three stone cubes _ the dices.
Then the race had to start. I attacked the sketch directly with paint, a diluted ocre tint. It was my first time with acrylics. Those color tubes were fresh from the shop, I had no idea how it was going to be like to brush with this fast-drying paste. I really had little choice but using them to grow my underpaint, but frankly, what a relief when the second day I could switch to oils! Such a pleasure in those smooth gestures, in the paint that never falls dry, that can be thinned forever.

Paintings Zancan Polymanga 2011

( you can click on the images above to watch pictures)
The challenge ended up at 11pm the second day. It was for me the climax of a trance that had risen up in intensity from the last four hours. On the microphone, David Heim announced that the countdown was over, but that they were offering some extra time... of one minute ;) I can tell i used this minute to the maximum. They had one person of the staff next to each artist to make sure he wouldn't add a single stroke after the bell had rung. Harsh! There I was staring at the result, bound to admit that I would have to be satisfied with its level of completion, and realized that one actual stroke was missing for my storyline to get consistency... there at the distance of my arm... but they wouldn't allow me to add this fallen dress strap on my character Désir's shoulder. ( No one complained about it, obviously, but when I'm asked often when do I decide that a painting is over, this is the kind of small detail that has its underlying importance in my verdict. )

Below is the dedication that the VIP guest Stephen Silver drew inside the copy of his copy of his Sketchbook. I have been sitting next to him for those three days, and besides witnessing the immensity of his skills with character design and live caricature, i've been spoiled by the man, with tenth of goodies and food and drinks :)

Stephen is famous for his work as a character designer, and was all the time surrounded with hundreds of admirers who were fans of his series Kim Possible. I must thank him for he told me at one point “you have six hours left” with a teasing smile, while I was getting carried away in detailing the face of my left character with a tiny brush, making me realize that the tough part of the race had to start. It's only at the end of the third day, when they gather the painters on stage that I understood that Stephen was actually member of the jury! ( if I had known, I would have been the one spoiling ;) )

Second prize

So yes, I was really happy to make it to the second place with my painting. Romain Lardanchet, whose piece was also my personal favorite, a very efficient, frontal, black and white robotic composition mixing painting and sculpture, won the 1500€ prize. I won a 500€ prize, and Valérie Rallière the 300€ prize with a fresh, ethereal scene populated with stereoscopic aquatic species.
I was very happy of the results, but I was just a minuscule 0.15 point away from Romain, which made me wonder were that little extra thing lacked. Finitions, I would say, because my piece wasn't as polished as his, and also a more modern approach in terms of style, which was a bit too fantasy-like in my opinion.
Overall, it appeared that the artists who were the most distant from anime style, and who were familiar with a larger range of media fared better with the challenge. Most participants were perfectly trained comic artists on one hand, but in the other hand, they were mostly new to bigger surfaces and unfamiliar with brushes and paint. Moreover, many of the artists had to take care of their stand in parallel, and kept working on dedicating their books or doing commissioned portraits in the meantime! While I had no stand at all :/

Trying out dedicaces

I was such a newbie to this kind of convention that I didn't bring anything to sell or sign, not even some postcards or posters. After the first day,I had the iPad and compiled a slideshow of my works. It was still better than nothing on my desk. I was surprised that several visitors or artists knew my paintings from deviantART ! Most who were familiar with the website had seen Home and Fairies somewhere ( .. for it is, at the time writing, the 4th ranked deviation of the site, weee! ).
It was really nice to discover that I wasn't such a complete stranger in a manga festival !
So I had a flattering welcome from some visitors, which made me doubly happy to try making drawings for them. To those who brought me something to draw on, I tried making something out of my dusty skill. I dedicated paper sheets, pages of notebooks, costumes, bare limbs, or these super cardboards for calligraphy with golden frame, that I lousily used on the wrong side, oOps.
I don't have pictures of those drawings that I did for people. Only this one below, of Milena who stood still for chatting in front of my stand:

I'm sorry that apart from her eyes, I quite failed in rendering the face, because she was either smiling or filling up all the blanks of the conversation, and I had no idea how to capture this moving mouth so I rendered it rather inexpressive, which was at the opposite of the moments I shared with her and her brother.
I must say that after the last day, Monday, I was really exhausted, after only 2 hours of sleep the past night and another stressing day. The reason why I was still standing is because I was high on Red Bull ( they were sponsors of the event, I drunk like 800 of them in 3 days). And we had to go back to Paris by bus, driving overnight. You can't really sleep in a bus...

For some reason they had advanced the departure of 2 hours, so we arrived in Paris at 5 AM and I had to wait for my train to Bordeaux for 5 more hours, an insanely long time when you're exhausted. The girls from the fanzine Darjeeling Clockwork, Océane and Cécilia, kindly waited with me around a café near Gare de Lyon.
The final piece of travel, 3-hour long ride by train, was a bit confused. It was really hot, I ate a bit, drew a weird surreal scene inspired by the conversation with the very old french-speaking american-born protestant nun seating next to me and blurred by sleep deprivation. Then I fell into a disturbed sleep on my 1st class seat.
Finally, I was proud I made it to Polymanga. It was such a rich experience. Plus I'm not getting this old after all.

Petit portrait

Mercredi 20 Avril 2011

I didn't even know it existed such a shade of blue..

April sketching

Dimanche 17 Avril 2011

Palais Gallien

Le Pallais Gallien est un amphithéâtre romain datant du 3ème siècle et dont ne subsistent que ces quelques ruines. Il y néanmoins une impression magique que de tomber sur cette vue, au détour de sa route, au milieu de la ville et au hasard de la nuit. Je me suis arrêté une petite heure pour apprécier ce moment calme et ce bond dans le temps.

Dessin Palais Gallien - Bordeaux


C'est très original comme nom de perroquet, il faut l'admettre. C'est celui de mes grands-parents, il est gris, il est très ancien et bien entendu, il parle. Habituellement, il supporte mal qu'on le regarde, mais il s'est tenu plutôt tranquille cette fois. Je trouve qu'avec le temps il devient plus sociable. Bon d'accord je ne suis pas très bon pour dessiner les animaux, parceque je pratique jamais, mais le les adore ( même si eux ne m'aiment pas. Je veux dire, les perroquets )


J'ai rencontré Helena dans un train. Nous avons bavardé un peu autour d'une tasse de café SNCF hors de prix qui se renversait à chaque chaot. Elle était de Russie. Je lui ai demandé si elle acceptait que je la dessine. Ce n'était pas facile, dans ce wagon qui remuait tellement et ce visage dont j'ignorais tout, mais ce fut une expérience intéressante, voire charmante.


J'ai rencontré Jolita dans un pub anglais. Je n'étais pas très sûr de la manière avec laquelle je pourrais la faire se tenir tranquille pendant assez longtemps pour un dessin; alors je lui ai prêté un iPad avec Cash Machine, et apparemment, cela eût le même effet que sur moi ( décidément, je suis trop accro à ce jeu!). Bien que le résultat soit un peu brouillon, c'était un moment très agréable que j'aurais aimé retenir plus longtemps. J'ai fait un autre croquis sous un angle différent, avant que la fatigue ne m'emporte, mais je suis impatient de faire un nouvel essai.

juil. 11
11/7/2011 Friend doodling
21/7/2011 Cash Machine