Reportage France 3 Aquitaine
I have been interviewed by the regional TV during my solo exhibition in Bordeaux. It was the first time for me in front of a television camera, needless to say that I wasn't much comfortable. The babbling must be the stupidest ever and it certainly shows that I'm a little impressed. In the montage, they dared to compare my work with the movie "Avatar". Grrrrr
Bordeaux 7 / 11 Fév. 2010
Lire l'article "Dans l'intimité de Zancan"

Photos vernissage exposition
Here are some pictures taken during the opening night of the exhibition in Bordeaux. Warm thanks to the many people who came and for all the amazing feedback they gave me!
It was touching to see so many of my friends and relatives gathering in the gallery.
I hope the pictures allow you to see the arrangements of the canvases, and for those who saw the pictures online, to provide a sense of scale for the original paintings.
Well the show is still going on, until March 2nd, 2010, and I hope it'll give a little moment of visual pleasure and reverie to even more lucky bystanders !