Underwater fun
Samedi 22 Juillet 2006

I just bought myself this expensive gizmo and brought it to the barbecue party at Jules's last night. This thing is so much fun. Everybody went crazy with it, not to mention the exceptional heat and well, em, unlimited booze so... well that's summertime hey!

Learning to sew + sketch
Lundi 17 Juillet 2006
Those ideas I have in mind are no place else :) That's not really an innocent reminiscence of my girly teenage activities, but another weird project that I'm planning here. Once again my mom thought her son was bizarre when she gave me my first sewing lesson.
A quick sketch of Joelle chatting and smoking in the morning warmth.

A quick sketch of Joelle chatting and smoking in the morning warmth.
Volubilis Monolithe
Dimanche 9 Juillet 2006

Volubilis Monolithe, crayon de couleurs sur papier. Il me semble que l'inspiration pour ce dessin m'est venue de Beksinski, alors que la palette ocre ferait penser à Di Maccio.
Kangaroo Dream
Samedi 8 Juillet 2006
Nightly wanders sometimes offer
Those innocent parenthesis
Simple moments, a touch, a kiss
Three fresh dewdrops on a soft skin
Unknown places,
and a kangaroo dream.
(... ballpoint pen doodles on paper)
Those innocent parenthesis
Simple moments, a touch, a kiss
Three fresh dewdrops on a soft skin
Unknown places,
and a kangaroo dream.

(... ballpoint pen doodles on paper)