
Ci-dessous un texte écrit en 2010 par Leila Joucla, docteur et agrégée en arts Bordeaux III, lors de l'exposition Zancan - l'intime et le temps à la galerie 22 Rive Gauche, Bordeaux

Me paintingUne rencontre rare : de grandes toiles restées jusque-là dans le secret de l’atelier nous dévoilent un monde à part, intime et mystérieux. On est d’abord saisi par la poésie qui se dégage de ces visions oniriques, par l’ambiance méditative et contemplative dans laquelle elles nous plongent, dans une luminosité et un silence paisibles. On est pris de vertige devant l’accumulation de temps à l’œuvre, qu’il s’agisse de celui, réel, de l'ouvrage, ou de celui, fictif, de la représentation. L’artiste évoque « une recherche minutieuse de la lumière originelle où dialoguent le minéral, le végétal et l'humain. Sous cette figuration onirique transparaît une réalité introspective souvent mélancolique, dans laquelle le peintre est un poète, un apôtre du temps ».

Le temps

Se poser un moment, prendre le temps jusqu’à prendre racine. Voilà une activité à laquelle nous avons de plus en plus de mal à nous livrer dans une société du mouvement, de l’éphémère et du « zapping ». Loin des cadences infernales de nos vies réglées d’hommes et de femmes pressés, les peintures de Zancan nous invitent à considérer d’autres manières d’être, d’autres temporalités, dilatées, perdues ou dérobées, charriant toutes ensemble une part d’éternité.
Le temps à l’œuvre, ici, est d’abord celui de la patience infinie qu’implique l’usage académique de la peinture à l’huile, témoin de l’attachement profond de l’artiste à la poïesis traditionnelle, son dessin rigoureux, son souci du détail et de la finition ; un temps vertigineux, fragmenté en autant de sessions nocturnes et solitaires, moments volés mis bout à bout pour se consacrer à l’ouvrage et lui donner corps. On imagine Zancan, entre deux projets d'ingénierie, affairé de longues heures durant devant son chevalet afin de révéler, touche après touche, mois après mois, le modelé délicat de ses figures d’outres mondes. Comme il l’écrit lui-même « la création d’une toile peut prendre plusieurs années. Il n’y a aucune règle, aucune limite dans le nombre de fois où le châssis reprend sa place sur le chevalet. Cette rencontre sans cesse reconduite transparaît : chaque trait de pinceau embrasse
une parcelle de temps ».

Après le temps du faire, vient le temps suggéré, hors échelle, surréaliste, dont nous parlent les représentations ; celui de la nature, de sa croissance lente et rampante qui, comme dans les tableaux d’un Caspar David Friedrich (XIXe), semble avoir repris ses droits sur celui de la culture ; celui de la méditation et de l’introspection mélancolique, substitué au temps technologique instantané de la modernité ; celui, enfin, du cycle de la vie humaine, voué à se clore par un retour à la terre dans le saint des saints de la mère nature. Autant de temporalités différentes condensées dans un éloge de leur action lente sur les choses et la compréhension des êtres.


Par delà leur rapport au temps, les grands dessins-peintures de Zancan nous révèlent un monde enfoui, profondément intime, avec lequel il entretient un rapport quasi-mystique.
« De composition sensible, souvent enclin à la rêverie, je fais parfois l'expérience de connexions puissantes avec certains éléments de l'invisible, comme typiquement les frissons de la nature, la consistance du temps, le murmure silencieux de la matière, ou l'intérieur de l'être. Il est devenu une quête de donner forme et couleur à ces sentiments qui sans cela resteraient prisonniers de l'individu ».
Zancan explique qu’à l'origine d'une toile, il fait « l'expérience d'un flash, d'une vision d'une lucidité soudaine comme focalisée derrière sa rétine. Le processus de création requiert ensuite l'étude détaillée à distance subjective de cette étincelle, afin de proposer une traduction de ces observations par le biais d'une peinture figurative accessible ».
On est d’abord saisi par la poésie qui se dégage de ces visions oniriques peuplées de créatures étranges, par l’ambiance méditative et contemplative dans laquelle elles nous plongent, dans un silence paisible. On se laisse hypnotiser par les effets de lumière vaporeuse, la perspective atmosphérique, le foisonnement et les ondulations aléatoires des végétaux mariés aux arabesques sensuelles du corps féminin, le tout mêlé à la rectitude du dessin de l’architecture.
Mais qui (ou que) sont ces hommes et ces femmes ? Que symbolisent ces créatures anthropomorphes, mêlées, emmêlées ou fondues à une végétation qui semble irrésistiblement vouloir fusionner avec elles ? À l’évidence, le corps féminin idéalisé, imberbe et gracile, revient comme une obsession de l’auteur en quête de perfection : leitmotiv de la femme nue, statue de pierre, sorte de fée ou femme-plante en lévitation, mises en scène dans une nature foisonnante quasi-aquatique. Dotés de corps lisses et de traits stéréotypés, les créatures et personnages qui habitent les toiles de Zancan semblent tout droit sortis d’une matrice virtuelle. L’expressivité qui fait défaut à leur visage paraît s’être déplacée du côté de cette nature prolifique, heureuse et jouissive, évocatrice de la toison pubienne et des fluides corporels.
L’alliance insolite d’un style de dessin proche des illustrations faites à la palette graphique, et d’une technique picturale aussi désuète que noble pourra surprendre. Mais elle est à l’image de la personnalité duelle de l’artiste, partagée entre le monde virtuel instable de la création logicielle et du design graphique, et son désir d’incarner lentement, posément ses fantasmes et ses songes dans la matière pérenne.
Bien que le style graphique s'en éloigne, l’intention est empreinte de résonances symbolistes et surréalistes. L’artiste se réclame aussi des préraphaélites et du fantastique (privé de son bestiaire et de sa mythologie). On repense à l’Ophélia de Sir John Everett Millais (1852), baignant en extase dans une nature aquatique luxuriante, ou aux Marâtres de Giovani Segantini (1894), montrant le corps d’une femme-mère en lévitation dans les branches d’un arbre, etc.
“ Le plus difficile aujourd'hui est de montrer. Même si la surface que j'ai pris soin de parfaire oppose un voile protecteur, j'ai la sensation d'une nudité impudique. Par prudence, on peut s'arrêter au visible, mais il ne faut pas se fier à ces beautés idéalisées couchées sur la toile. La vrai beauté, je l'espère, sera dans ce morceau de temps, plus ou moins long selon la personne, que les peintures parviendraient à transmettre, et dans cette intimité propre qui lui serait révélée.”

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Livre d'or

3 févr. 2016 à 11:14
Great post...superb artwork
11 août 2015 à 6:33
Thank you for sharing your art I very much enjoy the beauty of the world you see in your fascinating imagination it takes my heart to lands of delightful wonder :) you're journey of art reminds me a lot of mine and that love hate relationship of our attention to detail is for sure a mutual feeling ^^ we chose the harder but more rewording and beautiful path. I look forward to watching more of where it takes you :)
10 juin 2014 à 4:55
Stunning - feels like I am lying on the multitude of mattresses or waiting for a train. Love your work. --Carolyn
4 juin 2014 à 13:20
Hello Michael
your works are superb and inspiring..
20 avr. 2014 à 15:46
J'adore vos oeuvre et les milles et un univers que vous nous présentez. Hier, à Polymanga, je suis tombée amoureuse d'un petit portrait monochrome en aquarelle je suppose, d'une dame aux cheveux un peu bouclés et des tâches de rousseur, datant de 2012. Je crois qu'il était exposé juste à côté de celui pour l'occasion Polymanga 2014 ( celui avec le poisson). Je regrette ne pas le trouver parmi les oeuvres que vous présentez sur internet. Dommage!
23 avr. 2014 à 18:20
Bonjour Jazia, en effet plusieurs des cadres exposés n'avaient jamais été montrés. Je vous l'ai mis en ligne
ici :) Est-ce bien celui-ci ?
24 août 2013 à 23:12
Hello Michael! I love your photos! they are very amazing!! Keep the good work up :)
21 déc. 2013 à 23:00
Hey! Thanks !
Solène B
22 avr. 2013 à 9:28
C'est encore moi, je suis passé à Art To Play en Novembre dernier (oui, écrire un message quelques moi après c'est une habitude chez moi) juste le temps d'acheter pour moi moi un petit souvenir, et le voir tous les jour m'impressionne encore de votre talent.
21 déc. 2013 à 23:02
Rebonjour Solène! C'est étonnant ce grand écart Bruxelles-Nantes. Merci d'être re-passé me voir. Quel est ce petit souvenir qui vous as tant plu ?
19 févr. 2013 à 10:54
Hi ! I will write an article on my site about your works and about You. I will send an email when it will be done. It will present your works with your name. And will have link to your portfolio. Hope that You will like it .

Bests !
21 déc. 2013 à 23:10
Hello Dariusz! I'm so sorry, there was a problem on my blog comments system that was hiding the newest messages, and I couldn't see yours... So today I discovered the article you wrote. Many thanks, that was very nice, and particularly flattering to be offered a comparison with this incredible polish painter Siudmak. He has been one of my strongest inspirations back when I started to paint with oils.
A link to your article
19 déc. 2012 à 16:29
C'est superbe, frais et vivant. Et votre peinture me met toujours de bonne humeur. Je suis une grande rêveuse, et n'ai jamais été déçue par vos œuvres !
Étant actuellement en école d'ingénieurs, et ayant hésité avec des études en graphisme, je continue de nourrir le rêve de me dévouer entièrement au dessin et à la peinture. Continuez ainsi, vous nous faîtes rêver!
(Je connais vos œuvres depuis la visite de votre stand à la Japan expo de Paris.)
19 déc. 2012 à 15:12
J'aime beaucoup votre travail et votre bio, dit vérité est esmeras vous tous les détails, je l'espère, d'atteindre mes 22 ans et j'ai décidé d'apprendre à dessiner et à peindre.


Natalia C

Colombie, Amérique du Sud.
9 juil. 2012 à 20:07
Je suis passée devant votre stand a la Japan Expo. J‘ai vu votre stand mais pas vous... c‘est dommage j'aurais aimé vous rencontré et échangé quelques mots sur vos œuvres mais je ne vous ai pas vu.
19 oct. 2012 à 17:37
Bonjour Solène,
C'est dommage oui, d'autant que je ne me suis pas absenté très souvent du stand..
Je serai à Japan Expo Belgium, à Bruxelles, début Novembre, si jamais vous êtes dans les parages!
9 avr. 2012 à 2:14
Hello! I first noticed your artworks on deviantart. Your paintings are amazing. I'm from Los Angeles, california and wonder if you know any artists here? I want to be learn how to oil paint. I've always loved drawing and would like to try painting. However, I can't seem to find any good art teachers here. Do you recommend any artists? I simple love your paintings and wish i could paint half as great as you >.<
2 mars 2012 à 20:42
Superbe travail .. léger mais profond, poétique, tendre, un plaisir pour les yeux et pour l'âme! Et puis, ça fait plaisir de savoir qu'il y a d'aussi bons artistes dans la région bordelaise : )
23 mars 2012 à 21:33
Merci Rashel pour ce gentil message. Mais oui, notre région regorge de passionnés, n'est-ce-pas mademoiselle Geekette ! ;)
25 sept. 2011 à 12:43
PFffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffwwouaaaawou!!!! super!! je suis en admiration ! bravo
10 sept. 2011 à 15:30
My name is Mare and I discovered your art today. It is truly remarkable. Thank you for sharing this wonderful site. I am a contributor to an amazing site called What's Hot & On Top. I would love to interview you for a front page feature. This is done through email. Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon.
22 août 2011 à 20:14
Thank you very much for your wishes Michael.
I will sure need them a lot, because after a long long time that I've been scrambling with my self, and resisting to my canvas and my palettes (damn resistance!!), i think that i finally made the decision to paint as often as i can, so i can make an exhibition, and show my work to the public. Well, I'm still searching the style, but I'm sure i will find it!
... oh, great work with the postcards!
I wish you always the best. and.. just waiting for your next painting!
greetings from Greece! :-)
11 août 2011 à 6:22
Hi Michael,
(I posted on your deviantART profile, but just now found your website).
I'm very inspired by your artwork and your overall passion.
I am a 16-year old girl in North America. I have quite a lot of time to decide what I want to do in life. I've considered everything from Neuroscience from the Fine arts to International Relations. I'm still not sure.
I do drawing and occasionally painting on the side as a hobby, as school takes up nearly my life! But I think your work has made me more inspired to try and explore more areas of the arts and what I'm passionate about.
How did you learn to paint with oils? I tried, and I've always wanted to paint 'people' in oils, but I don't know how. Was it just trial and error? Or did you take classes?
Regardless, you're amazing, and I wish you the best of luck!
-an inspired artist
5 août 2011 à 10:34
Hello there, Michael.
I just want to say that I like your work and your style very much.
You use great colors and it seems that you have worked on human anatomy pretty well! Keep doing this great paintings, you give us inspiration.!
...and don't forget... certain sadness, and loneliness are feelings that we all artists have from time to time, i completely understand you. In that way we are never alone! These feelings are very strong and help us create and imagine. It's a great trip within our perfect souls. Well, sometimes it may seems difficult, but it makes us stronger. :-)
well... I'd better stop writing and start painting!!
21 août 2011 à 17:14
Hi Νόπη,
Those feelings, do they show this much throughout my works? I wish that painting wasn't just a cure for sadness sometimes...
But it certainly helps when someone knocks at your door and tells you how much she would like you to keep it up. Thank you a lot, and all my wishes for you and your art as well!
22 juin 2011 à 10:24
A Work simply amazing, I have no words... your art is full of magic, it has something really special. As you say, small details create the magic, so many words in just one draw.
Is there any chance to buy any of your pictures?
15 juil. 2011 à 16:14
Hi...! I am sorry for the awful delay :/ Thank you very much for your appreciation, it means to me, although I feel a bit like an impostor for I don't paint at the moment...
There are 2 sites selling prints of my works, both are located in US, I guess not the best option if you are located elsewhere. Maybe you could send me an email and tell me which you'd like, so I can see what I can do.
29 mars 2011 à 2:14
Hello Michael! Your artwork absolutely amazes me. You definitely earned the spot of my favorite Artist ever! As a young artist I look up to your work and use you as a role model. I am still learning painting/drawing techniques and trying to figure out "the ways of the paintbrush" hahaha. It can be a little frustrating at times. I have been in love/inspired by your Home and the Fairies piece for years!!! My mom bought it for my birthday today, I totally freaked out in happiness. Keep up the good work!
25 janv. 2011 à 8:12
Hello Michael,

I admire your artwork :-) I like how your paintings' characters and their environments are so full of life and emotion--each tells a story. They all have such gorgeous detail.

For quite some time, my life's been completely consumed by work and everyday responsibilities. I had neglected, and at times, forgotten my passion of drawing. I couldn't even remember the last time I've created an illustration simply for enjoyment. It must've been years.

However, when I came across your fantasy paintings months ago (a friend sent me a link), they reminded me of what I wanted to do my whole life. Your artwork inspired me to get back to doing my hobby again. I promised myself to at least every once in a while, stop and take some time to draw and continue to learn oil painting.

Proud to say that I've been sketching regularly and have completed two of my first oil paintings. They've been enjoyable, stress-relieving escapes from the demands of life.

Thank you helping me realize and remember.

Keep up the beautiful work :-)


5 déc. 2010 à 10:07
I absolutely love your work. It is breathtaking and deep with emotion and the colors are perfect. Each detail is perfect! Just wonderful!! I also have featured you this week on my art blog. It is . I feature a new artist each week that I think is exceptional and unique.
18 déc. 2010 à 23:10
Hi Crystal, thanks for your lovely message and for featuring these works in your blog ! Keep up the love for art :)
27 nov. 2010 à 19:02
A big thanks for that. I learnt to paint by looking at books on the old masters, so that would be where the realism comes from. Just now beginning to paint the stuff I really want to be painting, scenes from my imagination, oh it's taken so long.
My Deviant Art name is raetea, that's the forest I live next to.
27 nov. 2010 à 5:34
Hi Michael
I'm an oil painter from the other side of the world, also born in 1976, just joined Deviant art and found one of your paintings there. I love your work, it's so full of feeling and I can just see the time and energy that goes into it. If you have time to visit my blog and look at my paintings I would love that.
Magda xx
27 nov. 2010 à 10:57
Hi Magda,
I've visited your website and read bits of your blog. You are doing a really good job with realism! I enjoyed reading about the various recipes that you came up with, such as painting without solvants. What is your DA nickname so we can stay tuned? x
12 nov. 2010 à 2:56
Your work is inspiring :)
11 nov. 2010 à 2:53
Hello, I recently came apon your art and was just blown away by the magnificent detail and style that you have. I'm seventeen right now and also am an oil painter, though not anywhere as good as you. I've thought in the past time that painting is nothing. But reading this page just made me feel so great, and hopeful about one day feeling something along your lines. Painting because it comes from the inside.

I really enjoy your work so please don't stop ever painting... It's all wonderful.
16 nov. 2010 à 23:45
Reading your message and knowing you are only seventeen makes me believe that you already have the right comprehension of what motivation for art should be. I had to wait until the age of 24-something before I understood how important painting was.
Although I'm not planning to give up, not the least bit, i still appreciate a lot your encouragements. For you I'd say you have to keep listening to your inner voice, and paint, because it's a lot of beauty, because it saves, no matter the million things that will try to keep you away.
13 oct. 2010 à 13:20
You sound like an intresting person to know. I wish I could paint like that, but it surprised me that you started so late (most talented persons started so early it seems) it kind of gives me hope for my own futer.
9 oct. 2010 à 3:16
Michae your work never ceases to amaze me. It is just beautiful and brilliant. Congratulations on your continued success. Is there anywhere on line that the book you have completed is available ?
I love love love your work.
22 oct. 2010 à 0:07
Hi Iva, thank you very much for your kind comment. Hi remember you from the family name and the print store from Australia ! Long ago, isn't it ?
So sorry about "The book", it isn't a book actually, but the name of a painting :/ ... I have much much work to paint before a book become possible !
8 oct. 2010 à 20:39
Hello Michaël,
Your artworks are indescribable ..and so alive :). I think you've achieved a high level of expression, which is amazing. :).
..I've just entered computer science studies and somehow got even more attracted to drawing (I love to draw (if you can call it like that), but so far I've made only sketches except my drawings, which I left at school). The thing is that I can't find a relation between the logical, mathematical thinking and irrational, artistic side of mind. When I get involved into drawing, it's like the mind is cleaning itself and start speaking in other language than maths or programming (maybe that's because I get too much involved?). I can't say that I forget everything, but I think I should focus on my studies, because it's getting quite disturbing (otherwise I could fail). No matter how big the attraction to drawing is, I still have chosen to drop it (or postpone if posibble) and sometimes use it for the inner self growth. (I could choose drawing as a proffesion, but there was no possibility and I think that you can't live only from it in my country).
..So I just wanted to ask: how about you? How do you manage to work as a programmer and get involved into painting? Do you think that those two fields don't have a relation between?
It would be interesting to see your thoughts about this. ^_^
sheila zancan
29 sept. 2010 à 4:31
My son's name is Michael Zancan, do you know the origin of the name,Zancan?
8 oct. 2010 à 20:58
Hi Sheila,
I'm glad I have a living homonym ! How old's your son ?
I'm not sure about the origin of the name. It comes from Italy, though my grand-father told it could have roots in Austria. No clue about its meaning. Where are you from ?
25 sept. 2010 à 22:13
Fantastic, ethereal, and beautiful.
9 août 2010 à 15:50
Why are your paintings sad? Why the loneliness?
31 juil. 2010 à 19:00
I love your work, it's amazing!
23 juil. 2010 à 20:54
super super boulot !!
j'aime bcp ce site, faudrait juste que tu penses à le fixer un peu parce que le cadre principal de la page ne rentre pas correctement dans celui du menu sous internet explorer.... une fois fixé tu pourras supprimer mon message ;-)
30 juin 2010 à 4:30
your artwork is beautiful. :) Out of curiosity, did you go to an arts school/atelier? Thank you. :)
30 juin 2010 à 22:21
Thanks! I did not; i have missed attending a school for a long time. Now, not only I think it's not mandatory, but also it's still time to attend. I'm currently pondering that idea.
Raach Mélanie
7 mai 2010 à 23:26
Bonsoir, merci pour le partage de cet univers et ce moment de féérie... J'ai vu l'expo peu de temps avant son retrait et je me suis laissée embarquer ! Magnifique voyage, en attendant le prochain, bonne continuation.
6 mai 2010 à 22:14
Though I haven't fully tried painting, I'd love to.
But, for now, I'm an aspiring photographer and hope to make it in the industry.
I truly find you, all of your work inspirational, and I hope the best for you and your artwork,
8 mai 2010 à 1:37
Thanks Julianna. And good luck with photography! I know I will never becom a good photographer, but I do photograph anyway, for the pleasure of going purposeless. You should definitely give oil painting a try, at least for its relaxing abilities.
5 mai 2010 à 22:13
I leave real world very often. When people talk to me, I sometimes stop listening to them and start listening to voices in my head and see different things. I'm in my world... :)... mhmm...

The worst thing is that i can't 'go' there when I'm sad. Real world becomes so overwhleming. I haven't learnt yet how to run away when I really need to. Why is that? Why the worst things of real world are so powerful that they don't let me go?

But when I look at your paintings, they help me to return to world which I know so well, after all these years :), Maybe just for a few seconds, minutes but still... they know my soul. Don't you think it's a beautiful thing? You should be proud of yourself!
I'd like to thank you for that! :)
8 mai 2010 à 1:19
I too am reaching for a place where to escape from real world. Painting's the right hideaway, but most of the time, getting there require a fight. I understand what you mean by reality being overwhelming. I think that stopping the clocks, forgetting about time, acting slow, taking months, years to achieve a painting is a great weapon against the fast-paced, devouring busyness of our lives.
25 avr. 2010 à 2:26
bravo pour l'exposition,
jy suis tombé par hasard dessus,
je n'imaginais pas des toiles aussi grandes.

qu est ce qu on s y amuse, Quel voyage! quand on y est dedans.
jo / aqua100.da

heu : chapeau pour le site aussi.
tres fin, tres beau : comme les tableaux.
8 mai 2010 à 1:42
En effet certaines toiles sont grandes, l'une en particulier. Sans mauvaise intension aucune envers les visiteurs, je crois que cela contribue à mieux les "happer".
Merci beaucoup pour le petit mot!
23 avr. 2010 à 19:17
ah you are so handsome and talented. Nice style. If only u were gay :-)
15 avr. 2010 à 18:42
You are such an inspiration to me -- and to think that I've only seen your deviantart page today.

Every word you say is like the fresh smell of mint and the artworks you create is given life by you're undying passion for arts.

I wish I'd be as passionate as you are because I'm kind of insecure about my art style. people somewhat judge my artworks to much and i hope someday, I'll be able to release my inner potential -- and I wish that I could meet you one day and talk to you about art (even though I'm on the south east coast of the earth). Haha!

Inspire more people and blessed be!
8 mai 2010 à 1:33
You know you should really not matter about people's judgements, and trust your own will instead. Improving your self-criticism could improve your technics, and letting yourself go freely, will preserve the freshness of your creativity. I'm not saying that one shouldn't listen to critics and advices; but one certainly has to be careful with those. Every word that attack or lower down your creative will should remain unheard.
27 mars 2010 à 13:40
I first saw part of your drawing "Tears of Joy in the Garden of Giants" when I was browsing google images and I absolutly loved it so I went back later to see if I could find the whole picture and so I've just discovered your website. I haven't looked at all of your paintings yet but I definatly will. "Tears of Joy in the Garden of Giants" seems to represent absolute joy and love of life and every time I look at it I can feel all the joy and love it represents it's just so beautiful.
C'est absolument magnifique, moi aussi je dessine depuis que je suis petite et maintenant je suis au lycée en option art plastiques et c'est géniale! Merci d'avoir donné au monde tes dessins si joli.
23 févr. 2010 à 22:43
Hello Michael

I am terrible with words ... I was on deviantArt hoping to get some inspiration and I came across your art. I just started to learn how to paint. I draw more and I just wanted to tell you that I hope I can become as great of an artist as you. I think you have created a beautiful bittersweet world.

18 févr. 2010 à 11:00
I keep viewing you work ALL day long man. I have my exams coming i guess i should stop doing that . Haha
But ,really Your stuff is really awesome.
And I relate to the doodling in my notebooks part, because I get punished for it too .A whole lot, at that.
Grrreat stuff :)
See you around.
17 févr. 2010 à 21:12
Beautiful work!
16 janv. 2010 à 5:48
you sir. amaze me. im seventeen years old and wish to be the man you are today.
from programming to painter you're work is breath-taking and inspiring.

hopefully i'll one day be someone like you
18 janv. 2010 à 22:35
You will manage and even better! Nothing can prevent someone from succeeding except himself. It may take time, just keep up.
3 janv. 2010 à 22:09
I'm sure you hear this plenty - as seeing the first few messages here and the one's on dA; but you're extremely talented! I just want to let you know I'm a huge fan of your artwork, paintings and all! Ever since I was a kid I loved to draw, sketch, doodle, whatever I could use or get my hands on, but I never tried painting. Just glancing at your paintings inspire me to do much, much more.

Everything about your art is breathtaking. Every little detail! I can tell just by looking at it it took you a while, and that's what I need to learn about art! It isn't something you can just rush through and pray it looks good in the end. I can tell you put a lot of passion and creativity into your artwork. I think that's what I love about it, and perhaps envy you.
18 janv. 2010 à 22:41
I'm pleased that you could find the passion hidden in my paintings. I hope to continue to paint with deep feelings and unconditional faith, although I'm often scared that I someday loose the energy to fight the unartistic and the insensitive that are so virulent in this evil world out there.
Many thanks for the nice comment. You should definitely try out on paint. It is amazing on so many levels.
3 janv. 2010 à 12:46
Bonjour Mickael.
J'utilise ton cite pour te souhaiter une bonne et heureuse année. Nous avons vue tes parents pendant les fétes, il nous ont apris une bonne nouvelle pour ton petit frére. A bientot
Bises Christophe, Nadine, Manon.
19 déc. 2009 à 10:23
You leave me pretty much speechless, though I believe you get that a lot. Your story is amazing, as well as your work, it reflects your soul in a beautiful way. I feel such inner joy that you have found a way to channel all this through art, you were born for this.

I wish you all the best in your life, there will be the day your name will become great. And never stop painting, please...

Warm holiday greetings from some other side of the world. V.
23 nov. 2009 à 15:30
my life is beginning to spiral out of control and im only thirteen.
looking at your painting makes me think how much i love it.
its the thing that keeps pulling me back from the plundge into the depths of a still nothingness.
drugs, alcahol and rape keep sucking me down but the brushs on canvas keep pulling me one step forward but i always go two steps back,
if i keep at it i hope to get nearly as good as you and as calm and collected as i wish to be.
such is life, we make it or we break it.
11 sept. 2009 à 10:31
Bonjour Michael , on se connait peu mais je trouve que ce site vous ressemble ou du moins ce dont j'ai pu percevoir pendant nos échanges. fragilité, légéreté, sérieux, appliqué et probablement poète très doué.
En plus des peintures, est ce qu'un roman ne vous tente pas ... Comme je vous l'ai déjà dit, donnez aux autres votre part de rêve....vite l'expo!
11 sept. 2009 à 20:47
Il me semble déjà que je me disperse; vous me voudriez écrivain! C'est tout à fait flatteur, mais je crois que la mission première de peindre quelques tableaux désespère de me voir plus souvent à son service. Le temps peut se dilapider si vite, c'est effrayant!

Votre visite et vos messages me font très plaisir. N'hésitez surtout pas à vous arrêter si vous passez du côté de la rue du Couvent.
14 août 2009 à 0:40
Hi Michael. Pardon my English because, I'm afraid, my French is worse.

These pieces creates muses entirely on their own. (Or rather, it lures the elusive muses from their hideouts.) They're lovely and, as others have said, inspiring. I truly enjoy looking through your online gallery (and dropping into your world. It makes me a little sad to leave it). I hope to see an exhibition in person eventually. Keep going!
7 août 2009 à 12:41

your work is such an incredible inspiration to me - I just wanted to say thanks.
You keep reminding me to carry on trying to find the pleasure in details and the value of beauty. To me, you are the greatest artist of this time and one day I wanna see the orignials in an exhibition! (no matter how far I've to travel!) - Please: never stop, no matter what's happening!
7 août 2009 à 21:50
I'm given evidences everyday that painting is the worthiest thing. Stopping isn't part of my plans! Thank you for the encouraging words, they are of real value for me.
19 juil. 2009 à 14:21
do you have a facebook account?
7 juil. 2009 à 7:15
Hi, Michael!
Your works are great as well as their incredible magic stories, I really like your concepts) We say in russian "талантливый человек талантлив во всём"- I think it is just for you, I'm sure, you succed in all technics you tried.
Could I ask you a question? Do you use photoes while drawing (I mean your heroes)?
I am looking forward to seeing your new artworks, which are like a pure sunlight in the darkness of everyday problems...
P.S. Sorry for my aaawful English, I need centures to make it better )))
7 août 2009 à 22:02
Hi! Sorry first for the late reply :/
A robot gave me a perfect translation of this saying in russian, which I received with much gladness. I'm not sure though, whether eclecticism is preferable over specialty nowadays. Curiosity and the pleasure to create draw us toward every possible vector of artistic expression. But the task is so immense, shouldn't we just try to concentrate on what we are best at ?
Your english sounds really good so far. To answer your question, yes indeed, I use some reference photographs (that I shoot myself) for the convenience of it. But nothing replaces a living model.
26 juin 2009 à 5:52
Dear Michael,
I couldn't go without commenting any longer. You are an AMAZING painter. Your work astounds me to no ends. Every time I visit your site, and I view each painting yet again, I find new details and things I did not notice before.
I only wish one day I could get my skills even close to yours-for I have started just last year with acrylic painting.

Please continue your work, it is beautiful, and I enjoy so much to just sit and view it.

25 juin 2009 à 12:02
You have a great website, and ofcourse an amazing galery! I'm impressed, I'm in love with your art!
Keep up the good work!
Kirk C. Peterson
23 juin 2009 à 18:23
Dear Michael, What a beautiful experience I had discovering your work. I am a ballet choreographer who works with many different kinds of artists all the time and I also paint and sketch myself. I find your work truly wonderful and inspired. Viewing each painting took me to another realm of experience, I was completely transfixed. Please, keep doing what you do for what you do is very special and should be treasured. Never doubt that you are very special and extremely gifted. I look forward to seeing more of your work through the years. Most sincerely, Kirk
25 juin 2009 à 21:01
Dear Kirk - Those words of encouragement from a highly respected ballet artist such as yourself reach me deeply. Your own artistic field evokes patience and dedication, a passion for body language, a quest for emotion that I can't help but feel through your message. Much gratitude for this; even at slow pace I hope to not disappoint you in the years to come. Thanks.
14 juin 2009 à 19:00
I suppose it's needless to say that your talent really is something great, almost incroyable :) I adore your use of colour, really. You make them work so well, bringing softness and movement into your works.

I wish I could do that, but unfortunately I don't know if I'll ever get that far. I do love to draw though (and looking at lovely pieces like yours - very inspiring :D ).

I've always seen the use of oils as very hard....but I've actually never tried it myself. Do you use any other techniques while making art?

I'll be going to Paris for a couple of weeks this summer. Maybe I'll see some of your works over there :)

Keep up the great work, hopefully your inspiration will never run out!
27 mai 2009 à 10:18
Hi! I've listened to Loreena McKennitt's album and I'm in awe. Its very enchanting much like your artworks, I would definitely follow your suggestions. How's about music in French? I think the language would greatly enhance the theme, being it romantic and all. By the way, you haven't spared me any "torment", I've read it in your poetry. And I must say, those are fine ingredients you've added. Thank you very much for sharing! I feel extremely ecstatic to get suggestions from someone I really look up to. :)
20 mai 2009 à 11:17
Your works inspire me. I'm an art student (a painting major) and I'm about to start my thesis of a painting soon, I really wish I could make it of even just as close as of your caliber. I love your themes and the feel that your paintings give. With the colors, composition and everything, I absolutely love it. Can you give me any suggestions? Like scenes to see or music to hear? It would be utmost helpful. :)
25 mai 2009 à 19:25
Hi Cermina. I'm very glad that you feel inspired by those paintings. Your question seems relevant, since those paintings were done in special moments, when the setup was right for the connection between heart and matter to happen. However, it would be hard to put down in words a recipe that would work in all cases ! Every person is so much different, aren't they? Usually a lonely stroll at night with ethereal music in earphones works well. For the music, I'd go for a Loreena McKennitt album, let's say Elemental. I spare you the inner torment of a hopeless romantic heart in the ingredients, but I'd lie if I said it doesn't help.
18 mai 2009 à 12:40
I love it, and i love you becouse of it , well 092 345 4491164
12 avr. 2009 à 12:59
I of course found you on DA and it gives me hope that I can work harder and learn more. I agree it takes a sort of maturity and patience later on to get better ( like fine wine art gets better with age) If you ever have a chance to read some of Charles De Lint's work you might find some inspiration there he tends to put fairy in a modern light. :) Again glorious pieces I only hope to have your patience someday :)
21 mars 2009 à 4:45
Your artwork is fantastic. As a college student studying illustration, I aspire to be that good one day.
8 avr. 2009 à 20:17
I'm sure you'll be better! You know I started late, am slow working and approaching the climax. I'll be on the regressive slope soon. Yes, everyone gets old eventually. I hope not yet though ;)
13 mars 2009 à 19:45
je suis tout à fait estomaquée par ce travail. Il réveille mes sens, vient complètement chercher le plus fort de mes sentiments, me donne des frissons et m'émeut. tout ceci en même temps, parce qu'une telle energie se dégage de vos oeuvre. Je me sens comprise, dans ma nature humaine elle-même!! enfin, quelqu'un qui ressent la vie...Voilà. je peux me tromper, ce sont des sentiments. Ils n'ont rien de logique, mais tout de beau. Merci. Merci pour ces instants de vérité avec l'Art.
8 avr. 2009 à 20:02
On pourra dire que mes toiles auront rempli leur mission émotionnelle et inspiratoire bien en-deçà de mes espérances! Je suis très heureux que cela vous ait touchée. Merci pour le petit mot!
12 mars 2009 à 17:02
11 mars 2009 à 2:25
You are an absolutely amazing awe-inspiring, talented artist. I love your artwork.
12 mars 2009 à 1:03
Thanks a lot, for the lovely word.
4 mars 2009 à 5:07
you make me sad..................... :((
12 mars 2009 à 0:19
Why so ?
3 mars 2009 à 21:28
Je ne sait trouver les mot pour decrire ces émotions qui m'emmenne au pays des reves tant par l'imaginaire entourant vos oeuvre que par leur réalisation graphique.
j'ai découvert vos oeuvre dans le livre l'art de la fantaysie et les seul qui m'ont skotcher sont les votres.
Mes deux tableaux favoris sont : "Larmes de Joie dans le Jardin des Géants" et "Entrée de Luxuriance"
Un merveilleux travaille.
12 mars 2009 à 0:27
Il y a de très belles choses dans ce recueil, mais cela reste très codifié: peu s'écartent vraiment des monstres et autres guerriers bardés de fer. C'est le genre qui veut ça...
Merci pour ton agréable message!
28 févr. 2009 à 15:27
Vraiment superbe..
Chaque toile est à couper le souffle, et cela à chaque fois qu'on les regarde
De plus votre parcours me rassure, moi qui suis un "futur ingénieur" qui adore dessiner, je me demandais si c'était possible de dessiner tout en travaillant, et apparemment oui!
En revanche avec un talent pareil c'est dommage de pas en faire un métier (et oui on veut voir toujours plus de dessin nous aussi ^^) !
Voilà, en espérant que vous ne vous arrêtiez jamais de peindre, car c'est un plaisir pour nous ^^
Bonne continuation !
12 mars 2009 à 0:51
Il m'a toujours semblé que se laisser porter sur le chemin déterministe de la vie d'ingénieur était le plus simple, le plus évident et confortable. Il faut redoubler d'entêtement, et un renoncement à pas mal de privilèges, pour se donner vraiment à la peinture. C'est un combat; contre certains clivages, d'abord ( un ingénieur est froid et pragmatique, il ne peut pas être artiste) mais avant tout, contre soi-même. Il nous faut mettre sans cesse dans la balance le poids de nos motivations.
Ne pas en faire un métier, c'est peut-être précisément à cause de cette illégitimité en temps que peintre, dans les milieux qui ont autorité. ( pour l'instant, j'estime avoir trop à prouver, et tente en restant en retrait de ne pas trop compromettre mes motivations envers l'art )
Merci pour tes encouragements, et de ton côté, si telle est ta passion, essaye de ne pas la décevoir, mais attention, elle ne t'emmènera pas forcément le bonheur et la gloire ;)
16 févr. 2009 à 14:58
hey.. you're very talented i can say.. i hope to be like you in future..hahaha, hose paintings were very,very great..the color,shapes,lies, tones ..everything.. It is all interesting and it makes "sense"..HOpe we could chat, so I can ask all i wanted to know about painting..Bye.. and take care!!
11 févr. 2009 à 9:56
Have a myspace?
23 févr. 2009 à 2:03
Yep :)
It's easy to find! But so you know, I'm not using it much.
24 janv. 2009 à 23:47
One question, what's with that paintin "Pas d'Ange"? Why don't you upload it in your gallery? =)
25 janv. 2009 à 4:04
Aw, sorry i'm sounding tortured and secretive again ;)
This painting is very different from what I use to paint, it's uncolored, humid, mystical. I'm a little embarrassed to show it for that matter, but the real reason is that it reminds me moments I would like to fade away; which will slowly happen, until it doesn't matter to much to me anymore.
I was also thinking of presenting it when I have something more cheerful to show alongside.
19 janv. 2009 à 20:03
I fell in love with "Garden of Giants" thanks to your DevianArt's well deserved DD. Congratulations, once again. I followed the "crumbs", you left behind, and ended up in here.

Your work is breathtakingly beautiful. Details are simply exquisite. Perspective is both intricate and unique. I'm in awe.
25 janv. 2009 à 4:09
Thank you Blue, for sharing your enthusiasm. I am currently working actively on a oil painted version of this very painting. I hope to finish it early this year. Stay tuned :)
18 janv. 2009 à 22:38
You work is really different than others we see; the colors, the softness and your ideas are beautiful and very, very unique!!!
Congratulations!!! :)
12 mars 2009 à 1:00
It's really nice you think so :)
I checked your gallery, and must say, I saw serious skill there. Keep up, ok?
7 janv. 2009 à 11:49
Wow! I really love your art. I don't think it's quite like anything I've seen before. I can't stop staring! Ahaha.
23 déc. 2008 à 21:19
Même si vous en avez par centaine , pourquoi pas un de plus :)
oui parce que je parle de vous complimentez encore ^^
par ailleurs ce n'est pas la première fois que je vous félicite .

encore une fois bravo ,je suis sous le charme , ca fait plus d'un an maintenant que je vous ai découvert et je le redis, vous disposez vraiment d'un magnifique talent , que dis je d'un don !!
vos oeuvres me parlent tellement , que je suis en train de m'inspirer de vos oeuvres , mais les votre sont vraiment or du commun .
Félicitations Michael
bonne continuation !!
30 nov. 2008 à 19:43
I happened to be browsing deviantart again after a long time and I couldn't help but notice your paintings. Not only are they technically sound (and usually paintings which are like so tend to fall short of being emotionally gripping or stylistically unique) but yours are seriously ethereal. I love the fantasy landscapes. Your colour palette is also so dreamy and beautiful I can just stare at these for hours... which I'm actually doing now when I'm supposed to be sleeping.

I just had to comment after reading your writings and especially the line about painting saving your soul. It's just so good to know of someone so talented like yourself being so humble, hardworking and passionate... I do believe painting saves souls too. I can't imagine ever giving up to paint and thank you for being a motivation and my new favourite artist to watch.
14 déc. 2008 à 1:13
Then I have been visiting your journal and could watch your drawings. I found them so lively! The perspectives are impeccable and the cropping you chose are audacious. I really felt comfortable inside the mood they conveyed: softness, authenticity, and all those details seeming perfectly in place.
Your paintings are also very good, vibrant, and still this unusual cropping that seems natural to you.
I didn't browse backwards for too long, but all I can say is that I really enjoyed my visit. Thank you!
26 nov. 2008 à 22:18
I don't often come across artists that I feel strongly enough about them to leave a comment on their page, but I feel like it'd be criminal if I didn't at least mention how much I enjoy your paintings and sketches (and reading through the journal ;) I'm a painter myself...only for my own purposes, but nevertheless, I like seeing new things, and I think your page has helped inspire me.

I really don't know what I'm trying to say with this comment, haha, except that you have amazing talent. Technique isn't hard to learn, I believe it to be quite easy, but the originality I see in your work inspires me. I think inspiration is the most difficult part about in conclusion...your work is beautiful, and thank you :)
14 déc. 2008 à 1:20
Ah, that was a long comment indeed, and I feel bad for not replying sooner. You are right about technique, it is just something to learn and with practice, anyone learns. The real essence of art is way beyond the mastery of tools. This undefined ability we'd like to catch on demand, but it's mischievous and untamable... sometimes, only sometimes, it gives you a spark of that magic powder.
See? I also can rant randomly about a subject ;)
It was nice of you to tell you enjoyed your time as a viewer.
15 nov. 2008 à 7:11
.... and yet in every stroke you have achieved to capture all there is in me. With your existence you have blessed my soul....... I am Etlek, age 21... all my live I have expressed myself through drawing and painting without making justice to the images that I see on my mind. I wish I only had the opportunity to learn the techniques..... I have learned all that I know about this art on my own, yet I know I can do better. By reading your bio and learning how late you began I then am hopeful for myself. With your work you have given me new energies. Thank you! I admire you deeply...
16 nov. 2008 à 22:04
I think that painting, no matter the result, is an act of truth, where your inner essence, your emotions, the matter and the time marry. If you have that force boiling inside of you, then release it into art because it's more worthwhile than anything else, and something you will never regret for yourself. Fare well, Etlek, and thank you for posting!
7 nov. 2008 à 18:13
As many others before me, I came across your website through DeviantArt.

I must say that I adore your work and your attention to detail. I am also prone to being obsessive over details... I can spend hours, days even, on one tiny element of a piece and if that bit goes wrong then the whole piece isn't worth it anymore.

I admire you very much for your technical ability and originality, also your thought-provoking writings, and look forward to seeing more of your work online soon.

Fish x
16 nov. 2008 à 22:22
I've taken the tour to your gallery on DA ( just to verify your saying ;)) and I admit, your pencil works show you're even more crazy with details than me! Isn't it therapeutic somehow to immerse oneself for hours in those?
Thank you Fish for stopping by, and have more fun with pencils!
7 nov. 2008 à 4:09
you really have very talented hands...admirable talent indeed. : )
25 oct. 2008 à 15:21
Je viens de découvrir votre travail et de passer un très bon moment en votre compagnie ... quelle agréable journée.
J'apprécie votre écriture, votre trait. Dessiner, écrire, rêver, voilà bien mes activités favorites et je retrouve dans votre travail bien des choses que je n'arrive pas encore à coucher sur le papier. Mais je crois bien avoir trouvé mon guide.
22 oct. 2008 à 10:47
15 oct. 2008 à 2:41
I won't say that you're incredibly, amazingly talented because many people have already told you that and you must know that by now. I will only say that I came across this website through DeaviantArt, and while marveling at your artwork I also read a lot of what you have written on here...and your honesty and your emotional rawness moved me deeply. You're not only a wonderful artist, you're a wonderful person. So...yeah, just remember that once, one night, your writings made a lonely, sleepless Italian guy almost misty-eyed at 2.40 am. Hope to catch you on DA soon! :)
21 oct. 2008 à 23:05
Hi Ciro! I was very glad to hear, and it made me smile, too, which I thank you for. Yeah to Italy!
15 oct. 2008 à 2:39
Your work is really inspiring! My self I do a lot of sketching, street art, and graphic design. Although I'm not as good at graffiti as I would like, graphic design has seemed to take its toll on me and grasped me in ways I never thought possible. Although I'm not good at what I do, I still love it.

I like the fact that you have also done graffiti in your early days, I've grown into a more abstract style, not wildstyle but something completely different my word is not even a word anymore more like a splotch of paint that looks intense (atleast to me it does) I hope to see more works from you on DA!
12 oct. 2008 à 9:55
Gorgeous works. The combination of technical skills and talented art works is very rare thing and such people like u are of genious. Thanx for great time that your works made me contemplating them :) Greetings from Russia
21 oct. 2008 à 23:09
Thank you! I visited your website, but I didn't much get it. Such a mysterious alphabet ;)
7 oct. 2008 à 0:30
i just wanted to let you know that you have really inspired me to oil paint (and try a little more painting in general) are there any techniques that you have learned that you find helpful?
21 oct. 2008 à 22:54
Hi Kristen... I would love to help but this is an impossible task you are asking. Painting is an ever-learning experience, and a beautiful journey. Keep faith! :)
30 sept. 2008 à 13:04
Do you have a boyfriend? :D
30 sept. 2008 à 14:18
ha ha! Do I look like I should have one?
25 sept. 2008 à 12:05
such a great gallery, i love your work man!
22 sept. 2008 à 5:42
I've been drawing my whole life and still can't seem to find my style. How long was it before you found yours? Was it just something living within you the whole time, or did you have to test various styles?
28 sept. 2008 à 14:14
I began to paint quite late in fact, but after trying about every possible technique. As I try to focus to make a clear answer for you, I understand that it's not easy to gather facts and actions that guided me towards a particular style. I suppose that, being true to yourself, you end up painting with your personality. Finding a style might be alike finding who you are, which can take long depending on people.
14 sept. 2008 à 16:58
Thanks for inspiring and stimulating my desire for painting.
I hope it helps me to pick up a brush again.
22 août 2008 à 1:45
There is much feeling in your works. A sense of longing that is easy for me to connect to. Keep doing it. Painting is magic. ( ;
18 août 2008 à 12:33
I'm really glad that I met you here and could saw your works. This is a great feeling to saw how you can express yourself in art. It's like find a little beauty suddenly. I like you and admire your works, without know you personally (thanks da:))... Take care
18 août 2008 à 4:08
I came across your work on deviantArt cuz it was a featured piece ... Home and the Fairies ... it took me 30 minutes to look at everything in the painting ... On a second look-see, I found something I'd not seen during the first 30 minute study! Your work is fascinating and stunning and I simply love it. On going through your other works at dA, I discovered a link to your website and here I am. You're an amazing artist and computer wizard as well it seems! ... I love the drawings you put at the bottom of each page in the left hand corner ... although they are exquisitely detailed and awesome, the make me see you as hurrying a quick little drawing to individualize each page. And while I'm sure there's nothing "quick" about them, it is the spirit of them that makes me think that ... you are amazingly talented and I'm glad I found your works. I guess that's it *smile* ... signing off from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA. g'night.
13 août 2008 à 21:00
It's odd that I know a lot of webdesigners who are involved in photography or painting :) I have about four friends photographers who work as webdesigners too.
Anyway, very very nice job you're doing here, congrats!!
27 juil. 2008 à 19:27
I can't possibly say anything that has not already been said about you on this website. You are indeed very talent. I like how most of your paintings are surrounded by a strong sensation of bliss and eternal happiness. They are a pleasure to watch and should serve as an inspiration to all those other disoriented and suicidal artists out there. Congrats! I look forward to seeing more of your masterpieces in the near future.
1 juin 2008 à 9:17
à la lecture de vos toiles et à la contemplation de vos mots, votre univers est si riche qu'il donne envie d'être partagé.
28 mai 2008 à 8:50
Hallo! I've been watching you on DeviantArt for a while now and visited this site now and then but never had the courage to comment. I just wanna say that your art is really beautiful and the pieces are all so deep and meaningful. The worlds you create are so real and absorbing they make you wanna dive into them. Your pieces always have such depth to them, even though you don't take art classes. I would like to know how do you deal with perspectives? Did you learn them from your engineering courses and where do you find inspiration for your pieces? Any references used? I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions. >___<
26 mai 2008 à 2:12
Bravo Michael,
Je suis vraiment impressionné par le travail dans chacune de tes peintures combiné a un grand talent et une imagination luxuriante. Je suis aussi informaticien, peintre du dimanche et deviant... Mais je reconnais que mon travail n'est pas du tout au même niveau, je vais peut être suivre ton exemple et faire une grand oeuvre sur plusieurs mois (plutot que des petites peintures sur plusieurs jours...)
Félicitation encore;
27 avr. 2008 à 14:56
Your artwork is beautiful, and carries with it a delicacy of detail that I've rarely seen on canvas lately. I would dearly love to see these in the flesh. A shame I live in England, not France! Whilst from your own admission you paint so few works in a year, what does that matter for us? Any one of your pieces, no matter how long it takes for us to see it, is worth it. They are dear imagination incarnate. Thank you, for all your efforts.
27 avr. 2008 à 18:34
This was very soothing. Please accept my thankfulness as well.
4 avr. 2008 à 6:10
how can someone as beautiful as you be so lonley? I will never understand that
7 avr. 2008 à 11:13
It depends both on your perception and my personality. There can be so much bias in between! And maybe what's to understand is that loneliness is, precisely, what you feel is beautiful.
22 mars 2008 à 8:55
Your work is wonderfully inspiring. Thank you very much for sharing. I'm nearly 19 now and I've just found painting and hope I reach your level some time. I'm finding it difficult though as everything I do doesn't turn out even close to what I had in my mind. Did you ever find that a problem at first, where you thought your work was utter rubbish.. or were you a natural from the beginning. I'm always interested in what people started off like and what they ended up like. Again, thanks for sharing, it's people like you that teach me to keep at it!
22 mars 2008 à 11:31
I did struggle, and I still do.
First it takes some time to study, observe, assimilate the theory that will help you guide up your creative energy towards the idea you're aiming at. It's even a daily, never-ending learning task.
In the meantime it requires you to free up yourself and let the gestures go, even imperfect; that takes time to, and is more related to the knowledge of yourself, I think.
But i'd say that the essence lies in two things: will, and work.
I always start an piece with flashes of the finished image displaying suddenly in my mind.
Then the flash needs to be remembered, deconstructed, thought off, tried out, and worked out. A lot of work. And it's never easy, you know.
So. Just keep up! ;)

2 févr. 2008 à 0:26
So your not one of those depressed artist are you?
and by the way painting is saving my soul too.....
20 janv. 2008 à 19:52
Please continue to inspire people through your works. They are more than warm and lovely <3

Cheers from the far side of the globe (Yes, Southeast Asia)!
12 janv. 2008 à 12:36
Impressive works, indeed. I'm really fond of your style which connects both care for details and intriguing imaginative visions. I like those antique/classical motives too. Keep up the good work!

Nice site too, by the way. ;-)
14 janv. 2008 à 16:40
Thanks for stopping by and dropping those warming up words..
3 janv. 2008 à 18:22
Your paintings are Amazing.
21 déc. 2007 à 15:57
Have you thought about creating some sort of nightclass or something? I think it'd be a hit hehe... I know I love the one I'm in (with a spanish artist living here in Denmark). I think you have so much "wisdom" to give, that it would be a shame not to.
I'm very impressed by your technique, I'm pretty sure I would make a mess by painting like that (doing one thing at a time and not just do the background and then layer on top op that - if that made any sense)
14 janv. 2008 à 16:46
I'm not sure I could handle it.. I never attend any class myself, so I don't feel like I'm legitimate to teach anything... as you mentioned it's more a question of "wisdom" than technique, seen as a state of mind, passion, inner doors opened to dreams...
And hello Denmark! (just a lil bit late ooops :/ )
28 nov. 2007 à 20:51
I absolutly love your art! You have a very fine feeling for the line. I'm 22 years old. I hope someday in the future I'm as good as you're now!
3 déc. 2007 à 16:14
That's the age I started to paint with oils :)
22 nov. 2007 à 5:29
You life some how feels like a future reflection of my own.

To many eyes over look an individual like yourself.
18 nov. 2007 à 20:01
Hm... Iam really impressed of both your art and your is really fantastic. I like your painting style, it has gt such a creativaé and great mixture of realistic and fantasy elements. I must say hearing that yoiu actually started painting with 22 gives me hope for my own artistic development...

Go on with your great work!
18 nov. 2007 à 23:06
I don't know your age, but in hindsight I think I didn't have the maturity to paint well back in my early twenties. I also consider that everything is yet to be learnt, so don't focus on the age: painting is a lifetime long learning experience.
And thanks for the kind words. I'm keeping on anyway, whatever the obstacle coming my way!

Marion Johnson
12 oct. 2007 à 17:17
You are a very talented painter,the paintings are amazing.I also paint and they are truly inspiring!
4 oct. 2007 à 17:04
petit bonjour d'une employée du canadien j'adore ton site et tes dessins. Petite suggestion pour la déco du resto "te présenter au boss et proposer tes services". Sinon bravo pour ton site
12 oct. 2007 à 15:02
On m'écrit parfois du Canada... mais du Canadien c'est une première, et ça fait bizarre. Je ne vais plus oser venir!
Mais si... merci en tout cas.
J'ai Jante
2 oct. 2007 à 22:42
I see that we have a lot in common. I also started out as a programmer in my high school and college days until a few months ago, when I got fed up with the non-artistic life of my computer work. I discovered the wonder of painting and I have started on a new course to focusing on art.

Thank you for showing your paintings to the world. Merci, Merci. They are truly inspiring for someone like me. Just turned 22, and new to the relaxing, yet exciting world of painting. I hope that when I am your age, I can create something as wonderful. Also, I hope I can learn your language, Je ne parle pas encore très bien le français... but I'm learning!
12 oct. 2007 à 15:08
It's great you found some completeness in the act of painting; finding the right balance between making art and living is a tough battle nowadays. And good luck with your french :)
12 août 2007 à 14:21
C'est une découverte extraordinaire pour moi... certaines toiles me laissent sur le c... je veux dire c'est fort, émotionnellement, et très beau, entre ombres et lumières, elles sont là, c'est le mois d'août, leur fête. Sincèrement bravo, et merci merci merci...
25 août 2007 à 11:42
Merci Alezane, tout le plaisir est mien, de recevoir ces beaux echos.
1 août 2007 à 17:14
Je tiens à signer ce livre d'or. Tant tes écris que tes peintures sont un plaisir, un émotion, une intense instant qui laisse des bulles remonter dans mon être. Tu peint avec ton âme et en tant que débutante, je te prend en modèle. Puisse tu continuer créer ainsi, j'ai crus que je rêvais dans un premier instant, puis j'ai compris que tu étais un ange.
Je t'offre une plume blanche du plus beau de mes paons.
Avec admiration, je contemple.
25 août 2007 à 12:26
Réponse bien tardive à un bien bel hommage. Je te remercie dans un bruissement des ailes de tous ces drôles d'oiseaux que le pouvoir du rêve nous permet de toucher.
Arthur Benevicci
21 juil. 2007 à 6:58
Marvelous work, brilliant use of energy and light and color. Excellent shading and dimension in all of your works, I'll be watching your art into the future.
30 juin 2007 à 16:38
Comme quelques autres ici, j'ai découvert tes oeuvres en parcourant deviantart. Une fois que j'ai réussi à décrocher de la première ( et ce fut dur ! ), j'ai voulu en savoir plus et je suis arrivé ici. Un très beau site, plein de merveilles, autant dans le dessin que dans les textes. Je laisse donc ce petit commentaire pour te remercier de ce bon moment passé. En espérant que les difficultés que tu évoquais plus haut se soient évaporées, et que tu ais pu retrouver le chemin de tes toiles.
20 juin 2007 à 12:42
Que de beau messages laissés par des curieux inspirés par tant de talent! Tout a ete dit...

19 juin 2007 à 7:51

For painting, for creating, for showing, and for inspiring.

(-and for being french ;) But I guess that comes naturally..)
3 juin 2007 à 2:13
thank you for inspiring me more than anyone ever has.....
12 mai 2007 à 17:23
I must say that your art really does amaze me. I don't think that I have seen anything like it before, or at least not in a very long time. For one, I love how real it all looks and then you add this twist in the reality. I love how detailed everything is, your backgrounds most of all.

At first I thought that you were just using some cg program to color, but then I noticed you said that you painted it. Hope you don't mind me asking but what did you use to paint? I just started playing around with acrylics and oil pastels but they don't look anything like your colorings. Maybe its just I don't know jack about techniques yet? Anyways, I would love to talk to you about your art and inspirations some time, that is, if you're willing?

12 mai 2007 à 18:27
That was a nice comment Jenna.
I use mainly oil paints, which are still widely used by artists, but those don't showcase they art much on the internet. When I began to paint I bought a cheap box of primary colors and started to play around with them. It all came naturally after a little while. You should give it a try, it's not that hard. You can give me a shout if you'd like to hear more insightful tips someday.
6 mai 2007 à 22:48
Lorsque deux artistes se rencontrent, et que l'un deux tombe sous le charme du talent de l'autre ...on obtient quoi? un fan ? lol
Bon, je pourrais te faire des tas d'éloges, des tas de commentaires, mais je vais rester simple et bref : ton site est tout bonnement splendide et tes oeuvres me transportent toujours autant ! Surtout ne t'arrête pas !
Bonne continuation !!

Gael (d'agen...heu bordeaux maintenant, enfin bref l'ami d'Adrien)
26 mai 2007 à 11:22
Je suis un peu bloqué en ce moment hélas, l'autre côté de ma double vie étant devenu si possessif et accaparant... mais la privation attise mon désir de replonger dans la peinture plus profondément encore.
Merci d'être passé me rendre visite!
Une belle rencontre
30 avr. 2007 à 10:57
Extraordinaire, magnifique ..... mon coeur étouffe devant cette immense sensibilité qui se reflète dans ta peinture.... quel dommage de ne pas exposer dans une galerie tant de talent !
16 avr. 2007 à 23:03
Your work is truly beautiful and inspiring. I'm wondering, if you'd mind if I make a banner using your art to link to your website (from my website).
17 avr. 2007 à 10:41
Of course I wouldn't mind. I should already have provided one of those banners but I must be too busy or too lazy?
8 mars 2007 à 7:45
I remember when I first saw "Tear for Joy in the Garden of Giants", I loved it! I am always anticipating to see what you have next. Your work is absolutely wonderful and is a true inspiration!

I hope to paint as great as you, someday.
15 févr. 2007 à 22:23
Im always in awe of your work, almost every piece is my favourite, makes me just want to jump into the paintings and experience the emotions
14 févr. 2007 à 0:04
De liens en liens (professionnels) je tombe finalement sur votre site, et découvre avec un peu un sentiment de voyeurisme une face cachée de votre vie et de votre personnalité. Fan de BD, je suis bluffé par la précision et le réalisme du trait que j'apprécie chez des auteurs comme Bourgeon (le cycle de cyann, tome 1 et 2 notamment). Bravo pour tout ce travail, pour cette passion et surtout quel talent !
14 févr. 2007 à 9:59
Quel plaisir pour moi que vous me rappeliez Le cycle de luxuriant et fantastique, une des références les plus marquantes de ma découverte du dessin, peut-être la plus importante maintenant que j'y songe.
30 janv. 2007 à 4:29
Good work man, just like Dalà­.
29 janv. 2007 à 23:56
do you sell your originals?
22 janv. 2007 à 6:50
I was browsing through deviantart, when i came upon the Home and Faeries artwork. I must say, you are really talented! I wanted to leave a comment for asking permission to display a print out of some of your work, for my resource book for my art classes? Whenever we find something that we like, or inspires us, we have to give information and examples, and I absolutely love your work!
22 janv. 2007 à 10:25
Of course, I'd be glad if you did.
16 janv. 2007 à 15:14
Est bizarre je trouve ton web site très jolie, mon tableau préfère est la jolie papillon au crayon, mais ton diary je préfère ne lire rien.

La fille avec le accent craquant
23 déc. 2006 à 18:49
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